Reference no: EM13309478
PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS: Go to the SEC Web site. Under "Filings & Forms (EDGAR)," click on "Search for Company Filings." Click on "Company or fund, etc." Under Company Name, enter "KrogerCo" (or under Ticker Symbol, enter "KR"). Select the most recent 10-K (likely filed March 31, 2013. Use the consolidated statement of income, prepare a horizontal common-size analysiswith change in dollars, using March 31, 2012, as the base. Prepare a vertical analysis for the years ended March, 2012 and 2013. Compute return on equity, return on assets and locate earnings per share for both years.
1) prepare a horizontal common-size analysiswith change in dollars, using March 31, 2012
2) Prepare a vertical analysis for the years ended March, 2012 and 2013
3) Compute return on equity, return on assets and locate earnings per share for both years.
4) Short paragraph summary of findings using data for support. (Is the firm profitable? Did profitability increase or decrease from March 2012 to March 2013? What may have caused any change or statis of data?)