Prepare a fully functioning game application

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131454994

Scope of Task

You will prepare a fully functioning game application.

The assignment score will contribute 20% to the unit mark.

Design Brief

You are to create a QUIZ GAME using ONE of the themes mentioned on the second page.

Specifications and Requirements

Your program MUST have the following:

A splash screen-This will contain a 10-15 second introductory animation. This should include the name of the game (make it interesting and catchy so the player will be curious and wants to find out more), the developer's name and a "pop-up" sprite (show/hide via a button).

When the sprite is shown, a DETAILED set of instructions of how to play is displayed. A screen that authenticates player password. An appropriate validation should be included so the game will not begin until a correct password is entered.

Entering the password must allow for no more than FOUR GUESSES.

The game should have TWO levels-a BASIC LEVEL for the Quiz Game and an ADVANCED LEVEL

The ADVANCED LEVEL should have additional features that increase the difficulties of the quiz game (for example: adding additional sprites such as an animal that randomly appears on the stage that must be "caught" within a certain time period. If the animal is caught, you keep the point/s you earned for the last question. If the animal isn't caught, the point/s from the last question are lost.) This level should also have more advanced programming skills/features.

NOTE: ADVANCED LEVEL means making the level more complicated in the use of programming techniques and functions used; not just making the questions in the quiz harder.

A "Game Over screen showing an unfortunate end (for example: an animation showing a sad face) for the player.

A "Game Win" screen showing a happy ending (for example: an animation showing a happy dance) for the player.

You will also need to:
- Provide animations and sounds for EVERY SCREEN of your program
- Add comments within the code and make use of Custom Blocks
- Use sprites, costumes, sounds, backdrops, broadcasts, blocks, lists and, variables
(NOTE: variables must be created you). Lists can also be created but are optional
- Have meaningful names for all sprites, costumes, sounds, backdrops, broadcasts, blocks, lists an variables
- Test your program with a testing table to make sure ALL features work as expected

The Task

- Read PAGE ONE to understand the specifications and requirements of the program
- Select an appropriate theme for your program to customize the look-and-feel of your program.
You MUST choose a theme FROM THE FOLLOWING to tie in with the quiz game:
o Different Football Teams in the Australian Football League (the AFL)
o Different Football Teams in the National Basketball Leaguejthe NB4)
o Different Football Teams in the A-League,'

- Make storyboards with the designs of your GUIs/interfaces (DRAWN by hand)

- Name the VARIABLES (and LISTS if you have any) that your program will use and describe their purposes (This is to be WRITTEN by Hand).

Work on the following tasks.
- Create screen elements (backdrops of stage, sprites and their costumes) for the GUI interface based on the storyboards.
- Use MS Word to create and complete a TABLE OF DESIGN ELEMENTS to help identify the relationships between elements (sprites, stages, etc) and the program.
(Refer to pages 1 - 3 of Homework Task 5 for an example of this table).
- In MS Word, write THREE ALGORITHMS in Pseudocode -
One for the AUTHENTICATION SCREEN and TWO others for TWO sprites in the ADVANCED LEVEL

- Develop the splash screen
- Develop the screen for player authentication with the password
- Develop all other parts of the program
- Add comments within the code
- Create a TEST TABLE in MS WORD to TEST your program to make sure your program works as expected (refer to page 7 of Homework Task 5 for an example of a test table).
- Insert your TABLE OF DESIGN ELEMENTS, ALGORITHMS and TEST TABLE into ONE document and save as a pdf. (Save as StudentID_YourName_TablesandAlgorithms)
- Save your Scratch program as StudentID_YourName_Program
- Create a ZIP file of the two saved files from above.
Save this ZIP file as StudentID_YourName_ScratchAssignment.

Reference no: EM131454994

Questions Cloud

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Prepare a fully functioning game application : Prepare a fully functioning game application - create a QUIZ GAME using ONE of the themes mentioned on the second page - This should include the name of the game the developer's name and a "pop-up" sprite.
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