Reference no: EM132504138
Question Bank
Definitions (Write down the meaning of the following terms)
EHS Inspection
EHS Audit
Scope of the audit
Corrective Action
Minor Non Compliance
Objective Evidence
True or False Statements
(Decide whether each of the following statement is True or False. For False statements, write the correct answer)
The decision on the frequency of the audits should not be risk based.
A non-conformance is any deviation from work standards, practices, procedures, regulations, management system performance, etc. that could lead to injury or illness, property damage, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these.
Entities shall undertake their initial third party external compliance audit within 12 months of official notification of approval of their entity EHSMS from the concerned SRA.
Give examples for each of the following;
Relevant documentation reviewed by the auditor prior to the audit
Information that should be covered in the audit plan prepared for the audit.
Multiple Choice Questions
Circle the appropriate
A set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a reference is called as;
Audit evidence implies records, statements of facts or other information relevant to the audit criteria and it must be;
The Audit plan is prepared by;
A step that is taken to remove the causes of an existing non-compliance is known as;
ISO 14001 is the international standard for;
Question and Answer
List out any 5 documents which are required by the audit team to evaluate the compliance of client's OSHMS.
Write 5 roles and responsibilities of an Auditor?
What does the pre-audit phase includes?
List the relevant OSHAD documents to which Entities' OSHMS Audit program shall comply?
Audit activities
OSHAD-SF Technical Guideline - Audit and Inspection, contains general good practices that have been developed on the planning and conducting of an actual audit. Outline the basic steps that you as an EHS practitioner should consider when undertaking an audit.
Answer the Following
It is a requirement under OSHAD-SF to hold an opening meeting with the auditee's management or, where appropriate, those responsible for the functions or processes to be audited. What is the purpose of such meeting?
Under the requirements of OSHAD-SF you as a lead auditor, should hold a closing meeting. What is the purpose of such meeting?
The auditor should establish initial contact with the auditee in advance of the planned audit date. What is the purpose of such initial contact?
It is a requirement under OSHAD-SF to prepare a full internal audit report that will provide a complete, accurate, concise and clear record of the audit. What you, as a lead auditor, should include or refer to in the audit report?
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