Prepare a domain model class diagram

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132640702

ICT310 System Analysis and Design - University of Sunshine Coast

Case Study: Meet Fresh Easy (MFE)

Meet Fresh Easy (MFE) is a type of e-business exchange that does business entirely on the Internet. The company acts as a clearinghouse for buyers and sellers of fresh food.

To offer fresh food for sale, a person must register as a seller with MFE. The person must provide a current physical address and telephone number as well as a current e-mail address. The system then maintains an open account for this person. Access to the system as a seller is through a secure, authenticated portal.

A seller can list fresh food on the system through a special Internet form. The form asks for all the pertinent information about the fresh food: its category, its packaging/weight, and the asking price. A seller may list as much fresh food as desired. The system maintains an index of all fresh food in the system so buyers can use the search engine to search. The search engine allows searches by name, brand, category, and keyword.

People who want to buy fresh food come to the site and search for the food they want. When they decide to buy, they must open an account with a credit card, and use this card to pay for the quantity they purchase. The system maintains all this information on secure servers.

When a purchase is made, MFE sends an e-mail notice to the seller of the fresh food that was chosen as well as quantity and payment information. It also updates the quantity of fresh food after the sale. The system maintains an open order until it receives notice that the order has been shipped. After the seller receives notice that a listed fresh food has been sold, the seller must notify the buyer via e-mail within 48 hours that the purchase is noted. Shipment of the order must be made within 24 hours after the seller sends the notification e-mail. The seller sends a notification to the buyer and MFE when the shipment is made.

After receiving the notice of shipment, MFE maintains the order in a shipped status. At the end of each month, a check is mailed to each seller for the sale orders that have remained in a shipped status for 30 days. The 30-day waiting period exists to allow the buyer to notify MFE if the shipment doesn't arrive for some reason or if the product isn't in the same condition as advertised.

If they want, buyers can enter a feedback rating. The feedback rating is an indication of how well the seller is servicing purchases. Some sellers are very active and use MFE as a major outlet for selling fresh food. Thus, a feedback rating is an important indicator to potential buyers.

Part A - Essay

Question 1: Writing

MFE are unhappy with their current system and have asked you to oversee the System Development Life Cycle and plan the specific approaches would be suitable for developing the new system for MFE.

The manager of MFE has worked in systems development some time ago and is convinced that a traditional waterfall approach would be the best approach. However, your experience makes you believe an agile development methodology would be the best approach.

Write an essay to explain what specific type of approach would be suitable for developing this project. The essay should:

• discuss various systems development approaches and relevant methodologies for development. State under what circumstances each methodology would be used and how they may be applied to your case study project.
• recommend and justify your chosen methodology to develop the project.
Your target audience are executive business people of the company and have limited understanding of computer terminology.

In the essay, you need to
• Utilise creative, reflective and critical thinking to develop, evaluate and justify innovative solutions to business case study,
• Demonstrate skills in finding and appraising credible and audience appropriate literature to support your analysis and design solution.
Your essay should be around 2,000 words (excluding the references) in length.

Appropriate referencing is required. The textbook Satzinger et. al is a valid resource, however it is expected that at least five (5) other resources will also be used.

Part B - Modelling and Diagramming
Review the case study and answer the following questions with reference to the information in the case study.

Do NOT extend the scope for any of the following solutions beyond that specifically described in the case study above.

You are permitted to make reasonable assumptions where necessary but these should be noted.

It is recommended that you review all documentation for this case study before finalizing any single solution. Ensure that the required consistency has been included within and between each question solution.

Question 2: Use Case Modelling

a) Event/Use case table

Review the case study and prepare an event/use case table for the information system to support the business processes as described. Use the even decomposition technique to identify events that the system must respond, and then identify related use cases and actors. Use at least the following headings for the table:




Use case


Brief description






b) Use Case Diagram

Review the case study and your use case table solution from Question 2a above to prepare a Use Case diagram for the project. Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al (2016) textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figures 3-12 to 3-15.

c) Use Case Description

Select 1 use case from Question 2a and prepare a fully developed Use Case description for it. Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al (2016) textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figure 5-2.

d) System Sequence Diagram

Review the case study and the selected use case in Question 2c to prepare a System Sequence diagram fully developed Use Case description for it. Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al (2016) textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figure 5-7 to 5-11.

Question 3: Domain Modelling

a) Domain Model Class Diagram
Review the case study to prepare a domain model class diagram for the project. Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al (2016) textbook.
Solutions are expected to show:
• The class name and attributes list for each class and sub class as required
• All required associations
• All attributes as specifically mentioned in the case study must be reflected
• Other attributes as needed to support the described functionality.
It is not necessary to show methods, however you may include them if you wish. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figures 4-16 to 4-25.

b) Design Class Diagram

Select 2 classes from Question 3a and prepare a Design Class diagram for each of them.

Each of these design class diagrams are expected to have a complete attributes list and a comprehensive methods list which supports the specified functionality as described in the case study.

Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al (2016) textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components for the ‘Design class diagram Student' as shown on the right hand of figure 12.4.

Question 4: Design System Architecture

a) Deployment diagrams
Review the case study and design a deployment plan for the final software product. Demonstrate your design with a Deployment Diagram, which is accompanied by an explanation/discussion with 200 - 300 words. You are permitted to make reasonable assumptions where necessary, but these should be noted.

Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al (2016) textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figure 7-15 and 7-19.

Reference no: EM132640702

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