Prepare a database diagram with the entities and attributes

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131571714

Lab Assignment: Creating a Database Design

This assignment contains two Sections: Database Design and Design Summary. You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment.

If you are using Visio, see "Appendix A: Designing Databases with Visio Professional 2010: A Tutorial" to help you complete Section 1: Visio Database Design. (Note: This tutorial focuses on the use of Microsoft Visio. Open source applications are not covered in Appendix A; however, using open source applications or even pen and paper within labs is permitted.)

Use the scenario from Assignment: Business Rules and Data Models to complete the lab:

Business Rules and Data Models to complete the lab:Suppose a local college has tasked you to develop a database that will keep track of students and the courses that they have taken. In addition to tracking the students and courses, the client wants the database to keep track of the instructors teaching each of the courses.

Section 1: Database Design Diagram (Using Microsoft Visio is optional; you may also use any other application you know or even draw the diagram with pen and paper and take a picture of it for submission.)

1. Create a database diagram with the entities and attributes that the scenario identified (i.e., a college tracking students, courses, and instructors).

2. Submit your diagram.

Section 2: Design Summary (Microsoft Word or equivalent)

3. Write a one page paper in which you:


a. Discuss the degree to which you believe your diagram reflects the database design.

Section 2 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Submit the design summary as a Microsoft Word file.

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information.
• Compose conceptual data modeling techniques to capture the information requirements.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems.
• Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Reference no: EM131571714

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Database Management System Questions & Answers

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Describe the major advantages and disadvantages of a database system approach to managing data

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  An er diagram for the system

An ER diagram for the system. Show all entities, relationships, cardinalities and optionalities. Also, include all intersection entities. You must use the Finkelstein methodology as per the study book and tutorials.

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Difference between obsolescent and redundant stocks

  Create database to produce reports using surrogate keys

Complete following task. In each exercise, represent answer in both DBDL and with diagram. You may use any of styles for diagram. Create database to produce following reports. Do not use any surrogate keys in design.

  Design the database by developing fully attribute data model

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Do not use the Main Switchboard page that is provided for you, but rather create a new Switchboard named with your first name and the word Switchboard. (For example, mine is called Janis Switchboard.)

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