Prepare a data dictionary

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13839316

Scenario and Summary

In this lab, you will prepare a Data Dictionary based on the list of elements. Also, your task will be determined the tables, their relationships, primary and foreign keys. Based on this analysis, you will create Database Schema, relational tables, Entity -Relational Diagram (ERD), establish connection to your local MySQL Server, create physical database and insert data to the tables.

MySQL provides two primary types of file management: dictionary-managed files and MySQL Workbench-managed files. As part of this iLab, you will need to supply some information as to how you would use both of these approaches, and you will have to discuss some of the advantages of each.

For Step 3, you need access to your database instance. If you have any difficulties connecting your database instance, let's take error messages, screen shots, descriptions of the situation to the graded threads and work as a team to resolve issues.

Now you are ready to proceed.


Your assignment will be graded based on the following.

Assignment Step



Step 1

Create Data Dictionary for provided elements (Word document)


Step 2

Create SCHEMA and database tables in MySQL Workbench


Step 3

Establish connection to the MySQL Server (screenshots)


Step 4

Insert data to tables using MySQL Workbench


Total Lab Points


  • For Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 create a single Word document and include the answers or solutions to all problems. Be sure to label your document and include your name and course number in the heading. Save your document as "yourname_Lab_2.docx."

Submit both "yourname_Lab_2.docx" to the Dropbox for this week.


STEP 1: Create Data Dictionary for provided elements

As the DBA for your company, you have decided to install a new version of the MySQL database to replace the current database version being used. The old database has become a constant headache and seems to be causing an overload on the disk drive's I/O channels. Further analysis has also shown that two primary large tables are the main points of access. The new tables will be DEPT, EMPLOYEE, and BONUS.

  • Describe how you plan to compile the Data Dictionary and decide on the table's structure with the new MySQLdatabase.

Given list of elements:


Attribute Name

Column name

Data Type


Employee number (PK)




Employee first name




Employee last name




Job category (FK)








Hire date






NUMBER (7.2)




NUMBER (7.2)


Department number(FK)




Department name








Job title




Job description



Compile Data Dictionary (in alphabetic order):


Attribute Name

Column name

Data Type

Data element description

Table name

Primary key/ Foreign key indicator (P/F)


Default value


Department number








Place and save your answers in a Word document named "yourname_Lab_2.docx."

STEP 2: Create SCHEMA and database tables in MySQL Workbench

2. a Create SCHEMA

a) Launch MySQL Workbench;

b) Click File and choose 'New Model';

c) Add Diagram:

Name: new schema name;

d) Press 'Enter' and new SCHEMA will be added;

2.b Create tables

a) In Model overview (top part of the screen) Click 'Add Diagram'; Navigation pane shows new schema in Catalog Tree;

b) Place a new table on the free part of screen;

c) Fill:

Table Name:

Column Name, Datatype;PK; NN; UQ;BIN; UN; ZF;AI; Default;

Press 'Enter'

d) Continue to add all tables;

2.c Foreign key creation

a) Click on the bottom of the Form 'Foreign key' to establish the reference to parent table;

b) Choose the Reference table and Reference column;

c) Choose Foreign key options On Update and On Delete; Enter.

2.d Save database

a) Choose 'File' on the Toolbar and Save Model as on your folder.

Established database are visible on Home page.

STEP 3: Create and configure a new connection to the MySQL Server

Part 1 Create a new connection to the MySQL Server

a) Launch to MySQL Workbench Home page;

b) To add a connection, click the [+] icon to the right of the MySQL Connections title. This opens the Setup New Connection form:

Figure 3.1 SetupNew Connection Form

1326_SetupNew Connection Form.jpg

Important  note:

TheSetup New Connectionform features a Configure Server Management button (bottom left) that is required for the MySQL connection to perform tasks that requires shell access to the host. For example, starting/stopping the MySQL instance or editing the configuration file Fill out the connection details and optionally click Configure Server Managementto execute the Server Management wizard. Click OK to save the connection.


All connections opened by MySQL Workbench automatically set the client character set to utf8. Manually changing the client character set, such as using SET NAMES ..., may cause MySQL Workbench to not correctly display the characters.

a) New connections are added to the Home page as a tile, and multiple connections may be opened simultaneously in MySQL Workbench.

Part 2 Configure a New MySQL Connection

a) Click on 'Local Instance MySQL'and enter password;

b) Local Instance MySQLscreen appears;

c) Click MySQL Workbench Home, click database to be connected;

d) EER Diagram screen appears;

e) Choose Database on Toolbar and 'Forward Engineering' on scroll menu;

f) Forward Engineer to Database screen appears

Set parameters for Connecting to a DBMS:

Stored Connection:   Select from saved connection settings; Click 'Next';

g) Set Options for Database to be Created appears

Select DROP objects before each CREATE object;

Leave selected Include model attached script; Click 'Next';

h) Select Objects to Forward Engineer screen appears, enter password again;

Select Export MySQL Table Objects and click 'Next';

i) Review the SQL script to be Executed screen appears for your review and saving to file or copy to Clipboard; Click 'Next';

j) Forward Engineering Progress screen appears, enter password again;

k)  Forward Engineering Progress shows the executed tasks.

l) Click 'Close'.

Please add Management, INSTANCE and PERFORMANCE screenshots for the created database to lab Report.

STEP 4: Insert data to tables using MySQL Workbench

a) Copy INSERT statements for the given tables into the notepad;

b) Launch to MySQL Workbench Home page;

c) Choose created database instance; enter password;

d) New screen appears with the Connection name;

e) Choose in Navigator your schema's name;

f) Copy script from Notepad to screen 'Query 1';

g) Highlight executable rows, choose 'Query' on the Toolbar and Execute  (All or Selection);

h) Output will display the results of the execution.

Please select counters and rows in database tables and add screenshots to lab Report.

Reference no: EM13839316

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