Prepare a critically appraised topic

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131676295

Evidence Based Management

Topics for the CAT assessment

Please choose one of the following topics on which to write your Critically Appraised Topic report.

Topic 1

The CEO of a relatively small Australian company that has achieved success in the retail sector faces a tough decision. The company is relatively young, having been established merely 5 years ago, and runs a chain of health food stores. The top management team of the company feels that the success of the company should be used to grow the company more. The path to growth identified by the top management involves a great deal of diversification into other industries and sectors. For the CEO, the decision is intimidating. She is not entirely certain if diversification would be a good path to growth for her company. In particular, she is not sure what successful diversification would involve and whether her firm can create the conditions necessary for diversification to work.

You are a consultant who has been asked by the CEO to prepare a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) report that would present the best available scientific evidence on the subject in order to help her make the best possible decision in this context.

Topic 2

The Vice-Chancellor of a large University in Australia has hired you as a consultant to investigate a problem and has provided you below with organisational data dated June 30 2015 for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) faculties. The data suggest that women are under-represented at higher levels of faculty positions in the STEM departments. This is a broader problem afflicting a number of universities. The Vice-Chancellor and the top management of the university are interested in finding out the origins of the problem so that a solution can be found.

You have been asked to prepare a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) report that would present the best available scientific evidence on the subject in order to help the university understand the problem better.

Verified Expert

The assignment has been made on product diversification. Product diversification is a very significant decision to be taken by the managers of the company. Research studies has been conducted to ascertain the results of product diversification in initially incorporated companies. The conclusion of the study is that initially incorporated companies should wait for another 2 to 3 years before jumping into product diversification.

Reference no: EM131676295

Questions Cloud

How have stem cells been used to treat spinal cord injuries : How have stem cells been used to treat spinal cord injuries? How do scientists and researcher think stem cells will use to treat spinal cord injuries in future?
Household life cycle versus the family life cycle : What are the advantages of the studying consumer behavior from the perspective of the household life cycle versus the family life cycle?
Discuss the possible defenses that could be reasonably : Discuss the possible defenses that could be reasonably asserted by the doctor to each claim
Write an essay describing the trial process : Write a 350-700 word essay describing the trial process. The types of question asked on direct examination and Highlight important points for cross-examination.
Prepare a critically appraised topic : MGMT7250 - prepare a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) report that would present the best available scientific evidence on the subject in order to help
Compute simple main effect test for the type of adult factor : Compute simple main effect tests for the type of adult factor at each level of the consequences factor. Use Tukey's HSD to analyze the significant.
Balagny clothing company outsources domestic production : Read the mini-case: "Balagny Clothing Company Outsources Domestic Production" (page 497 of the text).
Contingency plans in light of perpetual change : Class what might be some of your ideas for creating contingency plans in light of perpetual change?
Components of an innovative organization : What are the important components of an innovative organization? What is the role of leadership in innovation?



1/15/2018 5:29:12 AM

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12/15/2017 5:03:28 AM

The assignment should be finished incloudint two database,Proquest and EBSCO,can you make you about that? And this is the source that I can priovde for you,and the expert should check the source to finish the assignment 25535965_1EM20793HE1014MGT_1Topics for CAT[220] (1).doc the sources are 25535918_1CEBMa-CAT-Guidelines[221].pdf 25535923_1MGMT7250 CAT Rubric[222].pdf 25535920_1MGMT7250 slides sem2 Topic1.pdf 25535943_1MGMT7250 sem2 opic2.pdf 25535921_1MGMT7250 sem2 Topic3.pdf 25535926_1MGMT7250 sem2 Topic4.pdf 25535986_1MGMT7250 sem2 0 Topic5 w.pdf The assignment should be finished incloudint two database,Proquest and EBSCO I have a online test,can u help me to finish? I have a question,this words of this assignment need to be more than 3000 words,can you help me this assignment need more than 3000 words except reference,and the reference should more than 15 and shoule be listed one and one the assignment should not be writen as the first person


12/13/2017 5:10:59 AM

The assignment should be finished incloudint two database,Proquest and EBSCO,can you make you about that? And this is the source that I can priovde for you,and the expert should check the source to finish the assignment one of the sources 25535918_1CEBMa-CAT-Guidelines[221].pdf one of the sources 25535923_1MGMT7250 CAT Rubric[222].pdf one of the sources 25535920_1MGMT7250 slides sem2 Topic1.pdf one of the sources 25535943_1MGMT7250 sem2 pic2.pdf one of the sources 25535921_1MGMT7250 sem2 Topic3.pdf one of the sources 25535926_1MGMT7250 sem2 pic4.pdf one of the sources 25535986_1MGMT7250 sem2 Topic5 w.pdf The assignment should be finished incloudint two database,Proquest and EBSCO I have a online test,can u help me to finish? I have a question,this words of this assignment need to be more than 3000 words,can you help me ? this assignment need more than 3000 words except reference,and the reference should more than 15 and shoule be listed one and one, Please make sure that the assignment should not be writen as the first person.


10/12/2017 1:39:10 AM

do not submit the assignment in turnition system You have been asked to prepare a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) report that would present the best available scientific evidence on the subject in order to help the university understand the problem better.

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