Prepare a cover letter and a proposal

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Reference no: EM131901437 , Length: word count:2000

Assignment: Preparing a Cover Letter and Proposal

Your assignment is to prepare a cover letter and a proposal and you will have the next two weeks to work on it. 

Realizing that many accident victims are even more seriously injured at the accident scene by amateurish efforts to administer first aid, you suggest that ProCom produce for the National Association of Trauma Specialists a first-aid booklet quite unlike other first-aid booklets.

Your booklet will visually not only illustrate the right way to do things but also the wrong way.

Not only will the wrong way be clearly illustrated, but the booklet will also show the sometimes-dire consequences of the incorrect administering of first aid.

After some discussions with you, ProCom management has floated the idea with NATS officials, and they like it.

Because it was your idea, ProCom assigns you the task of writing a proposal for producing the first-aid booklet.

In the proposal, you will need to include:

  • your rationale for producing the booklet - why it's needed and how it can be used (backed by a few introductory paragraphs that include research-based information)
  • a working timeline for production (i.e., time needed for research, writing, illustrating, graphic design, proofreading, editing, printing)
  • what publics you will distribute the booklet to
  • how many copies you will need as well as a distribution plan
  • printing specifications (type of paper, B&W or color, size) and price estimate (which will be based on the # of copies)
  • a rough draft of a section of the booklet for review

As it is to be only part of a completed booklet, you should choose a representative section on a topic such as CPR, emergency treatment of shock or severe burns, or another emergency procedure. (Please prepare two double-spaced pages of copy for this section.)

After you complete your proposal, please prepare a cover letter for Dr. Harz Z. Smart, current chair of the NATS board of directors that introduces your proposal.

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Reference no: EM131901437

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3/14/2018 4:43:33 AM

Total 2000 words .. please clarify all your doubts before starting the work. Provides an example of a business letter and a general format you can use for the Cover Letter. The general objectives for the assignment are provided in the assignment details. It is up to you to develop the proposal and cover letter. After you complete your proposal, please prepare a cover letter for Dr. Harz Z. Smart, current chair of the NATS board of directors that introduces your proposal. Tip: To do this assignment well, you'll need to review basic first-aid procedures. Note: This assignment should be submitted in Word (".doc" or ".docx") format and named "yourlastname_7.doc."

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