Prepare a country report of libya and somalia

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM133713936

Question: Prepare a country report of Libya, Somalia, Mauritania and Ethiopia to investigate if there is any investment opportunity for investment banks in Oman to invest in these counties. Use the word file for the key points that must be mentioned in the reports. You might need to find information from bloomberg and other restricted resources or public websites like world bank (IMF)

Country snap shot: give a concise overview of the country's geographical, political, economic and cultural aspects.
1. Location and size
2. Strategic importance for investors
3. Political stability
4. Economic outlook
5. Population and languages
6. Religion

Macroeconomic outlook of the country
1. Economic outlook: the forecasted GDP, whats driving the growth of the country, development projects & (potential investment opportunities in country)
2. Fiscal consolidation: measures being taken to reduce the GDP , the projected poverty rates
3. Snapshot of key economic indicators , including nominal GDP, public debt, country rating , GDP growth rate and sectorial split.
4. GDP growth and sectorial split: the growth rate of GDP, as well as the level of contribution of various sectors like agriculture , construction, mining , public administration , transport and utilities to the GDP, GDP per capital PPP" use world bank page as a source of info"
5. % of GDP is projected to grow in 2024 and 2025 , the current position of public debt and projected rate of growth with reason. Position of inflation and % of change and impact. The current account surplus.
Growth drivers
1. Top 3 export countries
2. top 3 import countries
3. Top 5 export counties
4. Top 5 import countries
** all with %***

6. Strategic location of the country
7. Economic rebound
8. Growth potential
9. Infrastructure projects
10. Factors that contribute to the growth of the country
11. Constraints to the country's economic transformation
12. Key challenges and risks from investors perspective outside of the country
13. The business relation between Oman and the country in terms of (trade exchange and investment)
Banking sector in the country (commercial and Islamic banks) list of top 10 banks in each commercial and islamic , mention total banking assets in dollars , customer deposits, foreign currency deposits

Banking sector, Islamic banking sector outlook in country and loan quality of the country

Reference no: EM133713936

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