Prepare a brief or letter for your company

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133584836

Question: Change happens at a very rapid pace in our modern technological society, and it can be very stressful and difficult for companies. Your job, as a supervisor, is to help manage the change and lead your company to a more productive era. Your initial discussion post will be a letter or brief the employees of Green Transportation.

The Scenario - You have been chosen by your CEO to prepare a brief or letter for your company to explain the changes that the organization will be experiencing. The CEO chose you because you are known to have your finger on the pulse of the workers and embrace technology. He wants you to reassure the workforce of the coming changes.

The CEO told you that he has heard numerous rumors of low morale, employees looking for new jobs, possible strikes (your workers are union) and even threatening comments. Your company is ELO Transportation, a small local company that takes normal gasoline engine vehicles and transforms them into electric-powered vehicles. Your company so far has transformed a few buses, garbage trucks, tow trucks, and numerous other vehicles for your community (a town of 100,000 people) however, with automation, machine learning, and AI the company is looking to launch nationwide. This will happen in the next two years.

A large percentage of your workforce are older workers and are really concerned about learning new technology and losing their job to "dumb machines"!

Reference no: EM133584836

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