Prepare a bank reconciliation statement using the form

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13335337

The books of Steve's Services, Inc. disclosed a cash balance of $68,757 on June 30. The bank statement as of June 30 showed a balance of $54.780. Additional information that might be useful in reconciling the two balances follows:

(a) Check number 748 for 3,000 was originally recorded on the books as $4,500

(b) A customer's note dated March 25 was discounted on april 12. The note was dishonored on June 29 (maturity date). The bank charged Steve's account fot $14,265, including a protest fee of $42.

(c) The deposit of June 24 was recorded on the books as $2,895, but it was actually a deposit of $2,700.

(d) Outstanding checks totaled $9,885 as of June 30.

(e) There were bank service charges for June of $210 not yet recorded on the books.

(f) Steve's account had been charged on june 26 for a customer's NSF check for $1,296.

(g) Steve properly deposited $600 on june 3 that was not recorded by the bank.

(h) Deposits in transit as of June 2 were $13,425.

(i) A bank memo stated that customer's note for $4,500 and interest of $165 had been collected on June 27, and the bank charged a $36 collection fee.

Prepare a bank reconciliation statement, using the form reconciling bank and book balances to correct cash balance.

Reference no: EM13335337

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