Cause of the risks
Controls in place
Losing the second best global brand rank
Services of the self-service kiosks are not up to expectations
Loss in revenue
Aggressive marketing
Natural Calamity
Disease affecting chickens
Diseases in African regions
Shortage of chickens
Selection of chicken suppliers who have the highest standards of stock hygiene
Loss of warehouses
Natural calamities such as flood
Shortage of chickens
Chicken suppliers should have warehouses in areas not prone to floods
Closure due to national lockdown
Covid-19 pandemic
Decrease in sales
Proposed home deliveries
Health and Safety
Trucks carrying chicken grounded
Non-compliance to health and safety requirements
Lateness in stock receipts
Regular inspections to chicken suppliers by KFC health and safety officers
Interruptions in electricity supply
Inability of power producers to meet demands
Power outages in self-service kiosks
Purchase of UPS to be used in self-service kiosks
Loss of interest for KFC foods
Non healthy ingredients used during preparation
Decrease in sales
Healthy foods placed on KFC menu
Non-adherence to health and safety regulations
Lack of attention from employees
Removal of operating license by local authorities
Regular inspections by KFC International officers to KFC Africa outlets
Shortage of skilled labor
Labor employed in other business due to non-attractive pay at KFC
Existing staffs overburdened with tasks and activities
Offering more attractive salary and other work conditions
Malfunctioning of outlets' equipment
Overuse of equipment
Delay in services
Equipment bought and kept as spares