Prejudice and discrimination

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Reference no: EM133453592


Prejudice and Discrimination

Many people believe that they are not prejudiced or that they have never discriminated against someone from an ethnic group different from their own. What is the difference between these two concepts? Please give a specific example ( what you have observed or heard ) to show the difference between these two concepts.

Reference no: EM133453592

Questions Cloud

Executive summary for program proposal : What is the significance of a well-written abstract or executive summary for a program proposal?
Why the rate of children born : What are the explanations offered for why the rate of children born to unmarried mothers has increased so drastically?
Important contributions to operation of social system : Explain Durkheim's claim that crime makes important contributions to the operation of a social system.
Describe self-understanding and perspective-taking : What is Erikson's third stage and what does it entail? Describe self-understanding and perspective-taking.
Prejudice and discrimination : Many people believe that they are not prejudiced or that they have never discriminated against someone from an ethnic group different from their own.
How do they use psychology in their roles : What do these professionals do on a daily basis? How do they use Psychology in their roles?
Symptom triggers : If a family member or friend of yours has asthma, talk to that person (if they are willing) about their symptom triggers.
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Make when interpreting graphed data : What do you believe might be some common mistakes people make when interpreting graphed data?


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