Pregnancy resulted in spontaneous abortion

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133639845

Hillary is a 32-year-old African American who is 30 weeks pregnant. This is her third pregnancy. Her first pregnancy resulted in a spontaneous abortion at 9 weeks. Her second pregnancy was planned abortion at 16 weeks gestation. Homeless Uses methamphetamines and heroin, smokes cigarettes Sometimes has to do sex work for food and drugs Went to planned parenthood for prenatal care Wants to keep this baby Father of baby/Partner, is also homeless. Vitals: BP 157/90, T: 99.0?, P: 92, RR: 18, SPO2: 95% Weight: 190 pounds. Height: 5'6" Not current on vaccines Hx of genital herpes and bacterial vaginosis Complaints of spotting, menstrual like cramping, persistent headache and general malaise Mom: diabetic Dad: stroke and hypertension Sister: preeclampsia Brother: died 3 years ago from leukemia Some spotting. Nauseous. Complaints of constipation, heartburn, and frequent urination. When you put her on the monitor, fetal heart tones are in the 130s with minimal variabilty. Contractions are irregular and mild upon palpation. "Think"

1. Review the above scenario and Hillary and review the data provided.

2. Recognize Cues: Think about the data or cues that stand out to you. What are they?

3. Recognize and Analyze Cues: Identify the data you listed that you feel is essential to address in the patient's scenario. What are they? Why are they essential?

4. Analyze Cues: Prioritize the data you feel is relevant. What patient data should be addressed first, second, etc?

5. Prioritize hypothesis: Think about the potential patient problems. What problem(s) is/are essential to address because of the important assessment data you identified?

6. Generate Solutions, take Action, Evaluate Outcomes: What are the actions you would take and the parameters you would monitor while caring for this patient? Fill out the appropriate boxes with your information. Pair and Share Share your findings with your peers. What was different or the same? Did you identify any of the same cues/data? Were they prioritized the same? What areas in the clinical judgment process did you find challenging? What can you do differently to strengthen this step? What can you suggest to help them strengthen their clinical judgment.

Reference no: EM133639845

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