Prefetching is a technique that leverages predictable

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13167017

Media applications that play audio or video files are part of a class of workloads called streaming workloads; i.e., they bring in large amounts of data but do not reuse much of it. Consider a video streaming workload that accesses a 512 KiB working set sequentially with the following address stream:

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, ...

Assume a 64 KiB direct-mapped cache with a 32-byte block

Prefetching is a technique that leverages predictable address patterns to speculatively bring in additional cache blocks when a particular cache block is accessed. One example of prefetching is a stream buffer that prefetches sequentially adjacent cache blocks into a separate buffer when a particular cache block is brought in. If the data is found in the prefetch buffer, it is considered as a hit and moved into the cache and the next cache block is prefetched. Assume a two-entry stream buffer and assume that the cache latency is such that a cache block can be loaded before the computation on the previous cache block is completed. What is the miss rate for the address stream above?

Reference no: EM13167017

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