Preexisting culture of organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133150168

Discuss the ethical implications of a leader's role in the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization. What responsibility does a company have to inform newly hired persons that it wants to shape their values, perceptions, and behavior to conform to the organization's culture? What impact does the leader's informed values and individual behavior have on organizational effectiveness? Considering the Christian concept of putting others before oneself as well as what you have learned in this course about servant leadership and conscious capitalism; explain the impact on company culture and organizational effectiveness.

Reference no: EM133150168

Questions Cloud

How the use of blockchain can provide benefits : How the use of Blockchain can provide benefits to the Supply Chain industry and How catastrophic risks such as COVID-19 could impact the Supply Chain industry
What amount should be reported as total retained earnings : During the current year, estimated tax payments of P300,000 were charged to prepaid taxes. What amount should be reported as total retained earnings
Management accounting and financial accounting : Discuss the difference Between management accounting and financial accounting.
What amount should be reported as net income : Unrealized loss on futures contract designated as a cash flow hedge 503,000. What amount should be reported as net income
Preexisting culture of organization : Discuss the ethical implications of a leader's role in the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization.
Workplace for acceptable risk level : Describe risk assessment's role within the framework of risk management and Describe the concept of risk criteria and provide a summary of what makes up risk
Caused the mortgage crisis : Have we learned from past mortgage mistakes? Are the practices and the products that caused the mortgage crisis gone?
How much is the gross profit for the year : The records of Belgica Co. showed the following information: Accounts receivable, net, Jan. 1, 2022 P200,000. How much is the gross profit for the year
Explain what is meant by acceptable risk level : Explain what is meant by acceptable risk level and provide examples that can be found in the workplace for acceptable risk level


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