Predominantly white denomination emerged

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Reference no: EM133491313


1. This predominantly white denomination emerged from the Pentecostal movement and affirms that speaking in tongues is evidence of baptism by the Holy Spirit.

2. This group of churches (they do not like to be called a denomination) emerged from the restoration movement and split from other churches because they think the Bible prescribes that music be sung without accompaniment, therefore they have no instrumental musical.

3. This person led a dramatic revival at the Azusa Street Mission early in the 20th century. It was important for the origin and spread of the Pentecostal movement.

4. This denomination has full-time healing practitioners who can be called on by members as part of the practice of spiritual healing for physical illnesses and provide "reading rooms."

5. According to this person's testimony, after this person read about Jesus healing a paralytic in the Gospel of Matthew, this person experienced a miraculous healing from a spinal ailment.

6. Young people in this denomination commonly serve a two-year mission trip, for which they raise their own funds; the church is centered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

7. This person was one of the leaders of a 19th century religious movement that tried to overcome denominational differences and establish Christian unity by a strict return to the Bible.

8. According to Mormon belief, this spiritual being appeared to Joseph Smith and directed him to the location of buried golden plates.

9. This denomination emerged from the holiness movement and stresses the need for "entire sanctification" of believers. Members of this church avoid such things as dancing, swearing, gambling, jewelry, and makeup.

10. Veneration of icons is a common practice in this denomination.

11. This person established a Bible college in Topeka, KS, where, early in the 20th century, he and several of his students experienced speaking in tongues.

12. This denomination affirms that after Jesus' second coming, when Jesus establishes God's kingdom on earth, 144,000 righteous will live and reign with Jesus from heaven.

13. This denomination emerged from the restoration movement and over time has moved in the direction of mainstream Protestantism. They accept historical criticism of the Bible, are a member of the National Council of Churches, and ordain women. Early leaders included Thomas and Alexander Campbell.

14. This denomination follows literally the commandment to keep the Jewish sabbath holy, and they rest on that day.

15. Based especially on the interpretation of some verses in the biblical book of Daniel, this person predicted Jesus would return in 1843-1844.

16. This person claimed to have visions by which this person affirmed Christ cleansed the heavenly temple in 1843-1844 and would soon return to earth. She agreed the celebration of the Sabbath should be on Saturday.

17. This person organized Bible studies focused on the imminent second coming of Jesus that eventually led to the formation of the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society."

18. This denomination accepts the "Book of Mormon" as scripture, but they do not practice baptism for the dead or believe in eternal marriage; they formed a church separate from the Latter-day Saints.

19. This person claimed to have received revelations that are recorded in books called "Doctrines and Covenants" and "Pearl of Great Price."

20. This person became leader of a growing religious group after the death of the group's founder in Illinois in the 1840s. He led devotees to the Salt Lake basin, which served as the new headquarters for the group.

Choose The Best Answer. -

1. -Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
2. - Jehovah's Witnesses
3. - Assembly of God
4. - William Miller
5. -Seventh-Day Adventist
6. -Church of Christ
7. -Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
8. -Mary Baker Eddy
9. -Moroni
10. -Charles Taze Russell
11. -Ellen White
12. -William Seymour
13. -Church of the Nazarene
14. -Charles Parham
15. -Christian Science
16. -Eastern Orthodoxy
17. -Brigham Young
18. -Barton Stone
19. -Community of Christ
20. -Joseph Smith


Reference no: EM133491313

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