Reference no: EM133151024
In Leading at a Higher Level, Ken Blanchard details predictable reasons why change efforts typically fail.
Evaluate this list (below) and identify the five that you feel are most common.
Then come up with two ways we as leaders can prepare for or combat these challenges.
Blanchard's reasons why change efforts typically fail:
People leading the change think that announcing the change is the same as implementing it.
People's concerns with change are not surfaced or addressed.
Those being asked to change are not involved in planning the change.
There is no compelling reason to change. The business case is not communicated.
A compelling vision that excites people about the future has not been developed and communicated.
The change leadership team does not include early adopters, resisters, or informal leaders.
The change is not piloted, so the organization does not learn what is needed to support the change.
Organizational systems and other initiatives are not aligned with the change.
Leaders lose focus or fail to prioritize, causing "death by 1,000 initiatives."
People are not enabled or encouraged to build new skills.
Those leading the change are not credible. They under communicate, give mixed messages, and do not model the behaviors the change requires.
Progress is not measured, and/or no one recognizes the changes that people have worked hard to make.
People are not held accountable for implementing the change.
People leading the change fail to respect the power of the culture to kill the change.
Possibilities and options are not explored before a specific change is selected.