Reference no: EM13776001
Download and install Microsoft Office. A free version is available to students. Instructions detailing the download, install, and technical support process are located in the Student Center tab of the Blackboard online course shell.
Write a short paragraph in which you:
Label your response as Assignment 1A.
Describe your experience installing the Microsoft Office Suite software. Indicate the version of the software that you installed, and the name and version of the operating system that you used.
Predict the Microsoft Office component and / or feature that you believe will be the least difficult for you to learn and explain why.
Predict the Microsoft Office component and / or feature that you believe will be the most difficult for you to learn and explain why.
Start an instance of Microsoft Word. Take a screenshot of Microsoft Word which should be visible on the desktop of your computer. Save the screenshot using an image file format (e.g., .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .bmp). Name the screenshot file using your full name (e.g., JohnDoe.png).
Submit the screenshot and written response according to the submission instructions.
Compare and contrast at least two operating systems
: Compare and contrast at least two (2) operating systems that are available today for use on personal computers and / or mobile devices. If you were considering the purchase of a new computing device (i.e., desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet)
Exploration of a journal article in sociology
: Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology, Find a recent research article from a scholarly journal in the field of sociology. It must have been published less than 12 years ago
What is the mass of the roll of nickels in ounces
: what is the atomic radius of a nickel atom in picorneters and If a roll of nickel coins has a mass of 205 g, what is the mass of the roll of nickels in ounces?
The collector-emitter voltage in a vdb circuit
: Discuss whether transistors being used as switching circuits should be biased in the active region.
Predict the microsoft office component
: Download and install Microsoft Office. A free version is available to students. Instructions detailing the download, install, and technical support process are located in the Student Center tab of the Blackboard online course shell.
Brief overview of the literature and research methodology
: Slides should include a title page, overview of your proposal, hypotheses, brief overview of the literature, research methodology, and references. This project will vary in length but it is recommended that you have a minimum of TEN slides excludi..
Why are more people studying a second language
: Write an essay about why are more people studying a second language?
Does law enforcement need a code of ethics
: Most police agencies use the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics or a similar code of ethics when swearing in their sworn police officers. Does law enforcement need a code of ethics? Why or why not
Piaget theory of development and the information process
: A parent who helps a child learn how to tie his shoe by showing the child the process and reminding the child of the steps each time the child tries to tie the shoe himself is using: ----Piaget's concept of egocentric thought.