Predict the concentration distribution along the water table

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13310722

A plume of bromoform dissolved in grounwater originates from two storage ponds with a total length of 150 m. The ponds penetrate the unconfined aquifer to a depth of 5 m. The total saturated thickness of the aquifer is 15 m. Predict the concentration distribution along the water table after 5110 days, assuming a linear groundwater velocity of 1.6x10-3; dispersivities in x, y, and z of 5.0 m, 0.5 m, and 0.1 m, respectively; Co = 4000 mg/L; foc = 0.005; log kow = 2.38; porosity 0.30; and a solids density of 2.65.

Reference no: EM13310722

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