Predicate color and action paint using situation calculus

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132971


1. Add to situation calculus the ability to paint an object. In particular, add the predicate color(Obj,Col,Sit)that is true if object Obj has color Col in situation Sit.

The parcel starts off blue. Thus, we have an axiom:color(parcel,blue,init).

2. There is action paint(Obj,Col) to paint object Obj with color Col. For this question, assume objects can only be painted red, and they can only be painted as the object and the robot are both at position o109. Colors accumulate on the robot (there is nothing that undoes an object being a color; if you paint the parcel red, it is both red and blue - of course this is unrealistic, but it makes the problem simpler).

3. Axiomatize predicate color and the action paint using situation calculus.

Reference no: EM132971

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