Precautions staples take to appear nonthreatening

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Reference no: EM1398785

Determine the selection's thesis? Locate sentence(s) in which Staples states his main idea. If he does not state thesis explicitly, express it in your own words.

How did Staples first learn that he was considered threat by many people? How did this discovery make him feel?

Write down some of the dangers which Staples has encountered because of his race? How has he handled each dangerous situation?

What "precautions" does Staples take to appear nonthreatening to others? Why do these precautions work?

Reference no: EM1398785

Questions Cloud

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Probability related to high school graduating class : In a high school graduating class of 100 students, 42 studied math, 68 studied psychology, 54 studied history, 22 studied both math and psychology, 7 studied history and neither math nor pyschology, 10 studied all three and 8 did not take any of t..
Poisson process for demands for item on warehouse : Demands for an item are part of a poisson process and are made on a warehouse 3 times per day. What is the probability that on a given day this item is requested:
Precautions staples take to appear nonthreatening : Write down some of the dangers which Staples has encountered because of his race? How has he handled each dangerous situation?
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