Reference no: EM132672889
Q1. The following statements are all TRUE regarding the Pre-Election meeting, EXCEPT:
- Chief Judge(s) will notify you of the time of the meeting approximately one week before the election.
- Only the Director of the Board of Elections can excuse you from the Pre-Election meeting.
- Tables and chairs are set up. Inside signage is posted
- Pollbooks/printers are setup including designated same day registration pollbook with barcode scanner. Pollbooks ARE networked together.
- Pollbooks/printers are setup including designated same day registration pollbook with barcode scanner. Pollbooks are NOT networked together.
- Food, drink and medication (if needed) should be arranged for Election day.
Q2. The following are all considered Check-In Judge responsibilities during the Pre-Election night meeting EXCEPT: *
- Table, chairs and pollbooks/printers (charging purposes only) are setup according to polling place schematic.
- Pollbooks are powered on, encryption code entered, polling place verified (on pollbook) and made ready to accept voters for Election morning.
- Pollbooks are powered on, encryption code entered, polling place verified (on pollbook) and then powered off.
- Assistance provided to Chief Judges with completing the Electronic Pollbook Integrity Report.
- Assist with other tasks as assigned by Chief Judges to make polling place "ready" for Election morning
Q3. Before poll opening, the following tasks require completion by Check-In Judges? (Select ALL that apply) *
- Sign payroll sheet. Put name badges and "Need Assistance" stickers on.
- On each pollbook, polls are set to "Open", reports printed, zeros verified and set to issue ballots screen ready to check-in voters.
- Verify Check-In table has been supplied with pens, extra printer paper, voter update forms, note pads, and extra styluses.
- Voter and Ballot Counts Reports printed from each pollbook and signed by the Check-In Judges.
- Network the pollbooks together by using the CAT-5 cables and modem as demonstrated in training. Modem would be powered on by 6:45 am. Networking of cables between pollbooks and modem should NOT occur until zero reports have been printed for each pollbook.
- Outside polling place signage posted.
Q4. The following statements regarding pollbook printer are true EXCEPT?
- A solid green light indicates a properly functioning pollbook printer.
- A blinking green light (next to the power button) indicates a problem with paper supply.
- Pollbook printer paper is fed from top of roll
- Printers connect to the pollbook using a USB cable.
- Printer can be tested by pressing the red power button and green feed buttons simultaneously for five seconds.
- Pressing the blue button will reprint the last VAC issued.
Q5. During the check in process, which of the following statements are TRUE (Select ALL that apply)?
- Each voter checking in is informed of the following: "If needed there is an accessible way to read and mark your ballot".
- Ask for their driver's license or any other photo ID.
- Asking: "What is your name?", "What is your address?", "What is the month and day of your birth?" and discreetly, "What is your party affiliation?" (Primary Only)
- Asking: "What is your name?", "What is the month and day of your birth?", "What is your address?" and discreetly, "What is your party affiliation (Primary only)?"
- Ask for their Voter Registration Card.
- If a voter presents their driver's license or other identification, it can be accepted but the voter must still verify their information by asking them the required questions.
Q6. The following are Election Day processes to be followed by Check-In Judges (select ALL that apply)?
- For ALL provisional voters (and same day registration voters), alert a Chief Judge to oversee the VAC issuance who will then escort the voter to the provisional table. Only a Chief Judge can qualify a provisional voter.
- Chief Judge(s) are summoned under the following circumstances: voter requests assistance, voter indicates a change of address beyond 21 days, voter wants to vote a different party ballot, voter cannot be found in any searches, voter is listed as Pend 1 or 2, voter is listed as absentee or already voted and voter requests to register.
- Ensure throughout the day that pollbooks and printers are charged or charging.
- Frequently verify throughout the day that pollbooks are synchronized or are communicating with each other (voter check-in numbers are the same for each pollbook) and the state server.
- Chief Judge(s) should be summoned when pollbook indicates voter is inactive even if there is no change of address indicated.
- When VAC is printed, Check-In Judge initials, voter verifies information and signs. Voter is directed to ballot issuance with VAC in their hand.
Q7. The following statements are true regarding a voter listed as "Inactive" on the pollbook EXCEPT?
- Voter will be required to sign an Affidavit of Residency that is printed on the VAC.
- Provided affidavit is signed, the voter will vote a provisional ballot.
- If voter refuses to sign affidavit then Check-In Judge should summon a Chief Judge immediately.
- Provided affidavit is signed, the voter will vote a regular ballot (vote normally).
- Most voters are listed as "Inactive" because the local Board of Elections cannot establish their residency; i.e. where they live?.
Q8. All the following statements are true regarding the Voter Update Form (VUF) EXCEPT?
- Any time a voter completes a VUF, they must sign and date the form.
- A voter can use a VUF to indicate/report a new address regardless of the time they moved..
- A VUF can be used by a voter for name changes or corrections and date of birth corrections.
- A VUF can be used by a voter to make a party change (for future Elections only) and to report a death notice of a close relative to the local Board of Elections.
- A voter can use a VUF to indicate/report a new address provided they moved within 21 days of the Election Day.
- In general, voters completing a VUF will vote normally (regular ballot) and not provisionally.
Q9. Check-In Judges have the following responsibilities at Election closing EXCEPT?
- At a Chief Judge's order, "Close Polls" on the pollbooks, print Ballot and Voter Counts Reports, archive pollbook data (Daily Closing Steps # 1 and 2) and power off.
- Assist Chief Judges with gathering info to complete Electronic Pollbook Integrity Report.
- Under Chief Judge supervision, break seals in order to remove the 2 compact flash cards within each pollbook as demonstrated in training and give to Chief Judges.
- Pack up the following: pollbooks in their respective cases with power supply, printers, modem (as originally packed), extra paper rolls, cables and sign totem into grey tote(s).
- Assist Voting Judges in packing up voting booths, unused ballots, BMD(s) and scanning unit(s) to be returned to cart(s).
- Pack up the following: check-in supplies, polling place signage and election supply box items into original containers. Place in wheeled blue transfer case(s).
- Assist in any other tasks in a unified effort to return poll location back to its original condition.
Q10. Which statements are correct about poll closing (select ALL that apply)?
- Polls officially close after the last person in the check-in line at 8 pm has voted.
- Closing procedures maybe performed on pollbooks regardless of the synchronization status indicated on the Host/Local screen.
- Transfer cart(s) are packed according to the packing picture posted inside cart(s).
- Compact flash cards can remain inside pollbooks after they are shutdown. Seals are not to be broken.
- Under chain of custody arrangement, a rover or closer will take the ballots, memory sticks (results from scanning units) and compact flash cards (from pollbooks) back to the HCBOE main office.
- Check-In Judges can leave the polling place once pollbooks have been packed.