Practices of relevance to organisations strategic direction

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133464511 , Length: Words Count:300

Question: How can you identify industry trends and practices of relevance to the organisation's strategic direction? Write your answer in 250 to 300 words.

Reference no: EM133464511

Questions Cloud

Discuss the discovery of fraud in the workplace : Tom Golden discusses the discovery of fraud in the workplace in a video entitled: "My First Fraud Investigation."
How did project integration management play : What are specific examples of processes within project integration management that were successful and unsuccessful for the development of the ACA.
What are strategic and operational planning processes : What are strategic and operational planning processes?
How does your organisation record-report meeting outcomes : How does your organisation record and report meeting outcomes?
Practices of relevance to organisations strategic direction : How can you identify industry trends and cc
Balance between food and beverages on a menu : What are three (3) factorsto consider in order to achieve a balance between food and beverages on a menu?
Find the right balance of cost : Increasingly, companies and individuals are faced with some difficult decisions when trying to find the right balance of cost.
Explain plan-driven and agile projects approaches : Explain at least three differences of Scope Planning between plan-driven and Agile projects approaches.
Define franchise and license : Differences between franchise and license. Advantages and disadvantages of franchise and license.


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