Practice for organizations to maintain a special room

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13943097

Consider this assignment and post your opinion on ONE of the following questions:

  • It is common practice for organizations to maintain a special room to install and store network equipment. Is this practice necessary? What are the benefits, if any?
  • Electronic lock systems can be used to secure access to data centers. Some systems are built with logging; others are not. Do you think that logs are an important part of accessing such systems?

This is question two

 Complete the main portion of this assignment as outlined below. When applicable, adhere to APA formatting and reference guidelines.

In 150-200 words, complete the following:

  • Describe physical security and logical security. Provide an example of each.
  • State why you think each security approach is crucial to maintaining the integrity of a network environment.
  • Discuss a scenario in which you would leverage physical security as a form of protection.
  • Discuss a scenario in which you would leverage logical security as a form of protection.

Reference no: EM13943097

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