Practical ethics in personal life and in social life

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Reference no: EM1373440


Practical Ethics       I. Life (suicide, murder, euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, self-defense)
in Personal Life       II. Health (risks to life, care of health, the AIDS crisis, drugs)
and in                   III. Truthfulness (lying, secrets)
Social Life              IV. Society (family, marriage, sex, birth control)

I. CHOOSE A SUBJECT: a moral issue in which you are interested - Read about the issue to get some idea of its various aspects.

2. LIMIT IT: Choose the specific aspects of the issue which will be your subject. Read enough about your subject to be sure you want to write about it. You may not change your subject after submitting it, unless you are directed to do so.

3. A statement of the issue and the specific aspects you will address;

b. one or more current instances of this issue;

c. how these instances have been and/or are being judged by others; document these with footnotes or endnotes, CMS form;

d. your attempt to judge this issue by applying relevant moral principles learned and developed in this course;

e. a title page, footnotes or endnotes, and bibliography.

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Reference no: EM1373440

Questions Cloud

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Practical ethics in personal life and in social life : Philosophy contemporary moral issues right and reason - Practical Ethics in Personal Life and in Social Life - Life (suicide, murder, euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, self-defense) and Health-risks to life, care of health, the AIDS crisis, dr..
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Which corporation is more productive also by how much : Archer Contracting repaved 35 miles of four-lane interstate roadway working 10 days with a crew of five employees using $9000 of paving material. Which Corporation is more productive also by describe how much.
Escribe how would you setup your wbs : You plan to form sub-teams to work every of these elements, every headed by a sub-team leader. describe how would you setup your WBS. Elucidate what are some considerations you made when you decided on this structure.
Elucidate what is the corresponding minimal annual cost : Presently, they purchase separate truckloads from every supplier. Elucidate what is the corresponding minimal annual cost. Elucidate what is the cycle inventory of every component.


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