Power system in different operating regimes

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM133114219

Question: You are working as a group of consultants for Western Power Distribution. They are interested in balancing the grid based on supply and demand. The grid is well represented by the single-machine infinite-bus (SMIB) model:

δ· = ω

· = Pm -Pmaxsinδ - Dω

where, Pm is the input mechanical power and Pmax is the maximum capacity of the line to transmit active power. As in the example given in Alberto and Bretas (2000a), consider the constants as: Pmax = 3, Pm = 2, M = 0.05, D = 0.15. You can also consider other values of the constant and a multi-machine case given in Alberto - and Bretas (2000b).

[1] Alberto, L.F. and Bretas, N.G., 2000. Application of Melnikov's method for computing heteroclinic orbits in a classical SMIB power system model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 47(7),

[2] Alberto, L.F.C. and Bretas, N.G., 2000. Required damping to assure multiswing transient stability: the SMIB case. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 22(3), pp.179-185.

To model the dynamics of the power grid you can explore the following:

- steady states;
- stability of steady states;
- numerical solution of the power system in different operating regimes;
- mechanical and electrical power ranges for the power system being stable.

Reference no: EM133114219

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