Reference no: EM133285866
The Agency
The agency is a public elementary school and you are the campus social worker who provides support services for students, families, staff, and the neighborhood. The school populations reflects a largely African-American and Hispanic community. The school staff is mostly composed of white females. On this campus, the following specialized programs are offered: special education, early childhood, and behavior management classes.
The Client System
Joseph (age 8) is an African-American student in the second grade, who was orphaned last year when his mother died of AIDS. Joseph's mother was drug addicted and had been in and out of several treatment programs and corrections facilities since Joseph was four. During her absences, Joseph and his teenage brother were cared for by their maternal grandmother. However, this grandparent died six month prior to Joseph's mother. His only remaining alternatives are two aunts who each agreed to care for one of the boys. This arrangement took Joseph to a new state, new family, and new school, and separated him from his sibling.
Joseph currently lives with his Aunt Jo, Uncle Lou and their three sons (ages five, twelve, and seventeen). Uncle Lou, recently retired from the military, has expressed resentment over his wife's decision to care for Joseph. The family does not have formal guardianship of Joseph at this time.
Joseph is an extremely quiet child, usually answering questions in monosyllables. He appears to be small for his age and shows some physical characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome. He cries easily and seems hungry all of the time, begging for leftover food in the cafeteria from students and staff. Uncle Lou is requiring Joseph to participate in physical training exercises with his sons (e.g., push-ups, running, chin-ups) under his supervision. He refers to Joseph as a "weenie" in comparison to the cousins.
In school, Joseph struggles with basic reading skills and find school tasks to be very difficult and frustrating. Teachers describe his behavior as "off task, inattentive and withdrawn." He seems to avoid any interactions with peers, preferring to wander alone on the edge of the playground. In the classroom, the teacher will often find him under a desk or table playing with small items.
1. As a consequence of difference, a person's life experiences may include oppression, poverty, marginalization, and alienation as well as privilege, power, and acclaim. How might this client's experiences, as described in the case, influence their interactions with you?