Potential threats and mitigation tools for ransomware

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132090341

Assessment - Potential threats and mitigation tools for ransomware

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:
b. Analyse and discuss common emerging threats, attacks, mitigation and countermeasures in networked information systems

Assignment Description

The security remains a challenge in networked information systems. One of the fastest evolving malware is ransomware. The ransomware embeds itself onto the computer in such a manner that it cannot be segregated, and even rebooting causes the ransomware to launch malicious code again. A ransomware continues to be a serious threat to the network users.

Assume you have an interview for the ransomware analyst position with Regal Security Solutions company. You are supposed to be prepared about the ransomware, their types, threats, and mitigation tools. In this context write a report including the following sections:

A. Introduction about ransomware and their impacts on the society
B. Discussion of any five variants of ransomware (Consider some recently developed ransomware)
C. The working mechanism of ransomware
D. Potential threats posed by ransomware
E. Case study of at least one recent attack carried out by the ransomware
F. Recommendations on any two mitigation tools to tackle the ransomware attack and discuss the effectiveness of the selected tools
G. Summary
H. References in IEEE Transactions on Networking style

Reference no: EM132090341

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8/20/2018 3:05:06 AM

Summary /5 A section very clearly summarizing the overall contribution A section clearly summarizing the overall contribution Generally good summary of the report Brief summary of the report with some relevance Summary not relating to the report References /5 Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing/ style Generally good referencing/style Unclear referencing/style Lacks consistency with many errors.


8/20/2018 3:05:01 AM

Recent Attack /5 A detailed and very clear case study about the recent attack from 2017-2018 period also clearly citing the source Very clear case study about the recent attack from 2017-2018 period Generally good case study about the recent attack from 2017-2018 period Brief discussion about the recent attack. A discussion about very old ransomware attack with irrelevant information Mitigation Tools /15 An in-depth and very clear discussion about Mitigation tools and their effectiveness Very clear discussion about Mitigation tools and their effectiveness Generally good discussion about Mitigation tools Brief discussion about Mitigation tools Irrelevant discussion about the mitigation tools


8/20/2018 3:04:55 AM

Working Mechanism /5 A very detailed and very clear working mechanism of ransomware Very clear working mechanism of ransomware Generally good discussion about working mechanism of ransomware Brief discussion about working mechanism of ransomware Poor discussion with irrelevant information Grade Mark HD 80% + D 70%-79% CR 60%-69% P 50%-59% Fail <50% Potential Threats /10 A very clear and in-depth discussion about potential threats Very clear discussion about potential threats Generally good discussion about potential threats Brief discussion about the potential threats Poor discussion about potential threats with irrelevant information


8/20/2018 3:04:47 AM

Grade Mark HD 80% + D 70%-79% CR 60%-69% P 50%-59% Fail <50% Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Introduction is very well Introduction is written with generally Introduction is very clear Introduction is presented in presented briefly background, well written with good fashion, with some Introduction /5 discussion about the impact of clear discussion about the impact of ransomware on however missing one element such as the relevance and missing elements such as the impact Poor Introduction with irrelevant details ransomware the society, and impact of of ransomware on on the society, the report outline ransomware on the society/ the and the report the society/ the report outline outline report outline Variants of Ransomware /10 In-depth and very clear discussion about five variants of recent ransomware Very clear discussion about five variants of recent ransomware Generally good discussion about five variants ransomware Brief discussion about some variants of ransomware Poor discussion with irrelevant information


8/20/2018 3:04:41 AM

Mitigation Tools Recommend any two mitigation tools to tackle the ransomware attacks and discuss the effectiveness of these tools • Discuss any two mitigation tools • Discuss the effeteness of selected mitigation tools in terms of response time and resolution time 15 Summary Summary • Summarise the overall contributions of the report 05 References References • Must consider at least five current references from journal/conference papers and books. • Must follow IEEE Transactions on Networking style 05 Total Marks 60


8/20/2018 3:04:34 AM

Working Mechanism The working mechanism of ransomware • Discuss the working mechanism of ransomware with proper citation 05 Potential Threats Potential threats posed by ransomware • System lockup • Encrypting and deleting the files 10 Recent Attack Case study of one recent attack carried out by the ransomware during 2017-2018 period. 05


8/20/2018 3:04:25 AM

Marking Criteria for the Assignment 1: Marks are allocated as described in the following table. Sections No. Description of the section Marks Introduction Introduction about ransomware and their impacts on the society • Introduction about ransomware • The impact of ransomware on the society • The report outline 05 Variants of Ransomware Discuss any five variants of ransomware (Consider some recently developed ransomware) • Draw taxonomy • Discuss the selected ransomware 10


8/20/2018 3:04:08 AM

All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

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