Potential medication anticipated contraindicated

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133693111


A nurse is caring for a client on a mental health unit. History and Physical Nurses' Notes History and Physical Day 1 1400: History of schizophrenia for five years. Multiple hospitalizations for psychosis and depression. Has had electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the past. Drinks four to five alcoholic beverages per day. Smokes one pack of cigarettes per day. Reports no drug abuse. No surgeries Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cirrhosis For each potential medication, click to specify if the potential medication is anticipated, nonessential, or contraindicated for the client. Potential Medication Anticipated Contraindicated Risperidone Ziprasidone Quetiapine Haloperidol?

Reference no: EM133693111

Questions Cloud

Describe signs and symptoms of infected pressure ulcer : What do you need to know about cephalexin before administration? Describe signs and symptoms of an infected pressure ulcer?
Standards for providing quality palliative care : Standards for Providing Quality Palliative Care for all Australians, as a provider of palliative care what must Lumiere Residential have in place and why?
Hydrochlorothiazide experiences unexpected bruising : An older adult client taking ginkgo biloba, valsartan, and hydrochlorothiazide experiences unexpected bruising. What action will the nurse take next?
Multi-tiered system of support : The theory(ies) and/or concept(s) that ground this study include concepts explained by Bergeson (2006) of a Multi-Tiered System of Support
Potential medication anticipated contraindicated : A nurse is caring for a client on a mental health unit. Potential Medication Anticipated Contraindicated Risperidone Ziprasidone Quetiapine Haloperidol?
When reviewing results of client lumbar puncture : When reviewing the results of a client's lumbar puncture, a nurse notes a glucose level of 32 mg/dl. What does this result suggest to the nurse?
Diagnosed with having pituitary adenoma : A nurse assesses a patient who has been diagnosed with having a pituitary adenoma that is pressing on the third ventricle.
Demonstrate responsible behaviors to promote infants growth : The nurse observes the parents interacting with their newborn and notes that they demonstrate responsible behaviors to promote the infant's growth
Urinate until the bladder voids uncontrollably : A client reports urinary incontinence, specifically not feeling the urge to urinate until the bladder voids uncontrollably. What is the most likely diagnosis?


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