Potential business implications

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132889481 , Length: word count:500

Assessment Task

For Brexit provide a summary of the
- Key points\issues
- Potential business implications

Throughout the module at the end of each session we have summarised the key points\trends and business implications for a variety of changes in the external business environment (eg demographics, macro-environment etc).

We have set formative tasks since Session Three asking you to complete these yourselves as a developmental task before this first coursework assessment. You should start by repeating this task for Brexit and then expand\explain your bullet points\headings with a few lines of text so the reader will understand why these items have been chosen and why they are important.

There is no need to provide references or a bibliography for this exercise

Your submission should
- take the form of a set of bullet points\headings, with a few lines of explanatory text to explain\justify the bullet point\heading.
- be balanced between the key points\issues and potential business implications
- be a maximum 500 words in length

Assessment Criteria
The assessment will be marked against the following criteria:
- identification of key points\issues
- identification of likely business implications
- justification\explanation of choices
- presentation and clarity of message

Attachment:- Business implications.rar

Reference no: EM132889481

Questions Cloud

What was issue price if only one stock issuance has occurred : What was the issue price (market value) if only one stock issuance has occurred? A firm has $5,300,000 in its common stock account and $53,000,000.
How much may brad claim as a deduction for state income tax : How much may Brad claim as a deduction for state income taxes on his Federal income tax return for calendar year 2019 (filed in April 2020)?
Creativity to persuade your audience : Presentation should be prepared using creativity to persuade your audience to buy or use your product or service.
Entrepreneurial activity is culturally diverse : Entrepreneurial activity is culturally diverse. Discuss the role of women, minorities, and immigrant entrepreneurs in this activity,
Potential business implications : Developmental task before this first coursework assessment - understand why these items have been chosen and why they are important
Find tom deductible medical expenses for the trip : Compute Tom's deductible medical expenses for the trip. Tom, age 48, is advised by his family physician that he needs back surgery to correct a problem.
Entrepreneurial activity is culturally diverse : Entrepreneurial activity is culturally diverse. Discuss the role of women, minorities, and immigrant entrepreneurs in this activity,
Which is an advantage of using the simplified method : Which is an advantage of using the simplified method for determining the office use of a home deduction compared to using the regular method?
Which amy can be reimbursed tax-free each workday is : Amy works as an auditor for a major CPA firm. For these three months, the mileage for which Amy can be reimbursed tax-free each workday is?


Write a Review

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