Potential areas of risk and general goals

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131612759

Data breaches are commonplace in businesses. In spite of various kinds of software, tools, and other resources used to secure data, the potential for internal and external threats still exist. However, the degree by which data breaches can affect an organization and its customers depends greatly on the response plan the organization has in place to address potential threats. Neglecting to have a plan or having a plan that is inadequate can affect the brand and reputation of the business as well as negatively influence the confidence and loyalty of the customers. As a result, for this assignment you will work in a group to create a security response plan that helps detect threats to data and identify procedures across the organization that will help minimize or contain potential damage.

For this assignment, create a 1,000-1,250 word Security Response Plan based on either a fictitious company or one that actually exists. The plan should include a framework for the awareness, communication, and actions expected across all levels of an organization. Keep in mind, the plan is intended to be shared formally and proactively, and be made easily accessible during times of crisis.

  1. Identify potential areas of risk and general goals for addressing each risk identified.
  2. Describe the procedures for analyzing and addressing potential security breaches across the various parts of the organization (e.g., IT, Accounting, Human Resources, Operations, Legal, Public Relations, etc.).
  3. Identify appropriate response team members in each department and a specific plan for notification.
  4. Describe key performance indicators (KPIs) in order to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the security plan.
  5. Identify goals for communicating the plan across the organization.

Reference no: EM131612759

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