Postmodern approaches to family therapy

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Reference no: EM133348657


1. What comes to mind when you think of "postmodern approaches" to family therapy?

2. How much of your own personal experiences is appropriate to bring into the therapy process? Share at least one example a therapist may bring too much or too little of their own personal experiences into the therapy room.

Reference no: EM133348657

Questions Cloud

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Postmodern approaches to family therapy : What comes to mind when you think of "postmodern approaches" to family therapy?
Application of biopsychosocial theory : Application of biopsychosocial theory in developing an evidence-based mental health treatment plan.
What might the benefit of this practice be for parent : Which of the facts presented in the video surprised you the most? What might the benefit of this practice be for a parent?
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Social psychological research changed throughout history : How has social psychological research changed throughout history? Describe current trends and directions for future research in the field.


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