Poster showcase and presentation assignment

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Reference no: EM132451752 , Length: 1000 words

MBA505 - Business Psychology, Coaching and Mentoring - Poster Showcase and Presentation - Kaplan Business School

Assessment - Poster and Presentation

Assessment Task

"The greater danger for most of us isn't that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." ~ Michelangelo

This subject explores many theories that provide insight into why people do what they do. Goal-setting is one such theory. Being able to understand and apply the various theories underpinning goal-setting is a key outcome of this course.

The purpose of the assessment is for you to show how you can apply coaching skills, in a way that enables you to think practically about the future you are trying to create for yourself and to enable you to start to move towards your future plans. By doing this, you are learning how to apply the skills of coaching others.


You are required to identify a goal in the form of a job or aspiration you would like to be prepared for in 5 year's time, and to develop a plan to be able to coach yourself to achieve this goal within the time- frame. To set your goal, you may feel a specific job you have identified is the best thing to aim for, but if relevant an ambition to run your own specific business venture would also be appropriate.


You are required to undertake the following assessment in two Tasks.

Task A - Create a 1-page poster A2 sized poster which can be assembled from 4 A3 sheets) that presents:
• The personal goal for your future, post your MBA studies, including the skill requirements of this goal.
• A summary of the relevant theory underpinning goal setting and how you used it in this case.
• A personal coaching plan to reach this objective, with an explanation of how you would use the GROW model to help achieve your goal (clearly stating your goal, where you are at now, options to reach your goal and the actions needed to get there).

Task B - Write a 1,000-word transcript to accompany your poster that explains:
• The goal you have selected and why it is important to you.
• How you selected the goal, that includes the specific elements that make it SMART.
• Identify the academic research that supports goal setting theory and its application and effectiveness in your case. Explain how the theory helps to make your goal more achievable.
• Your plan to support yourself to achieve the goal, with an outline of some of the questions you would ask yourself, and some approaches that you can use to help you to achieve your goal.

Task A - Poster

• A poster is a method of presenting your ideas to an audience in a visual 1-page format.
• As a poster presenter, you will have a unique opportunity to combine your visual poster with your transcript to provide a well thought through explanation of your coaching goal as presented in your poster.
• The images, diagrams and text that you choose should be meaningful, appealing and inspiring to yourself and your audience.
• Keep the poster simple and direct. Find ways of summarising the key points in a way that makes the poster aesthetically pleasing. The presentation transcript should explain your work to bring the poster to life.
• Include references in the Harvard referencing convention where necessary.
• On the portal and attached are some specific powerpoint templates for creating posters. You can either use these or create your own from scratch. Alternatively, you can physically cut and paste your content and develop a physical poster and take a photo and upload the image for assessment.

Task B - Presentation

You are required to present your poster in class as Task of an "expo" session in Week 12. All posters will be posted on a wall so you can review other's posters and discuss and orient others to your way of thinking.
To assist with this and to develop your approach to explaining your ideas, you are to write a 1,000-word transcript using the style, tone and language that you would use if you were presenting verbally in front of others.
• The aim of the written transcript is to bring alive the content in your poster. This means that you should aim to explain the process you went through and the logic for putting together your goal and your coaching plan, as well as the key features and challenges of the plan.
• The written transcript only needs referencing in the Task that you outline goal-setting theory. For the rest, you do not need to reference, you just need to write it in a style that inspires and informs.
• Please write the transcript in powerpoint, so that it is in the same document as your poster. This means you then only have to upload a single document. Write it as continuous text in small font (size 10 or 12), not in big text with bullet points.
• The final task with this component is for you to write a short review of three other posters from students in your class. All three reviews should be uploaded in a separate word document.

Attachment:- Poster Showcase and Presentation.rar

Reference no: EM132451752

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Poster showcase and presentation assignment : Poster Showcase and Presentation Assignment Help and Solution, Kaplan Business School - Assessment Writing Service - Identify the academic research.
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