Post an explanation of the importance of forecasting

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM132225846

Forecasting is the final step of the QCQ process. All the theory search and development, data gathering, relationship development and evaluation give planners the tools with which to predict possible outcomes under different conditions. This allows them to forecast likely outcomes for their model under various scenarios, which is a way of prechecking their model.

Based on what they know now, will this model lead to a solution to their business problem?

This week you will learn about the importance of forecasting and create a forecast based on your data.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
Analyze the importance of forecasting
Create a forecast based on their data

Learning Resources
Note: To access this week's required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings
Dickey, J. W., Birdsall, I. A., Larkin, G. R., & Kwang, K. S. (2015). Supernumerary intelligence: A new approach to analytics for management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
.Chapter 14, "Step 7. Forecasting" (pp. 221-228)

Discussion: Step 7-Forecasting

Now we get to the point of the whole process. Why do managers and business leaders do all this work in identifying variables, gathering data, and creating models? It is to predict outcomes so as to discover the best policies to solve a problem. Having reduced the relationships between variables to equations, you are now in a position to manipulate the values of the variables in order capture expected outcomes under different possible scenarios.

To prepare:
Review your Learning Resources, focusing on forecasting as part of the QCQ process.
Consider the times when forecasting might be used or your experiences using forecasting.

Post an explanation of the importance of forecasting as the last step in the QCQ process. Use your previous public policy and administration issue to make a forecast of what will be happening in the future.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Verified Expert

This assignment is a further continuity of the previous weeks work.It explains the concept of the forecasting in a practical and a analytical perspective.

Reference no: EM132225846

Questions Cloud

Compute the Euclidean distance : Compute the Euclidean distance between each observation and the test point X1 = 3 and X2 = 7. What is our prediction with K = 1? Why
What are the obstacles in improving quality of care : Based on your learning over the past six weeks, identify the factors that will be required for future change in the health care industry pertaining to quality.
How trend enhance or impede organizational effectiveness : Unions, whose membership has steadily declined over the past 50 years, are now seeking to expand their organizing efforts by targeting nontraditional union.
Source of energy that the government : According to the text, there are several renewable energy sources that could reduce dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Post an explanation of the importance of forecasting : Post an explanation of the importance of forecasting as the last step in the QCQ process. Use your previous public policy and administration issue
Why fragmented industries are more competitive : What are the effect of the number of competitors on the competitive intensity of an industry. Why fragmented industries are more competitive.
Honesty regarding other things : If someone is known to have been dishonest about one thing, should we automatically be suspicious of his or her honesty regarding other things?
How do you go about getting the newbies : You are Team leader of the compensation committee. You have seasoned HR professionals who have been on the compensation committee for 5 years or more.
How can diversity give a company a competitive edge : 1. How can diversity give a company a competitive edge. Can diversity really make a difference in the bottom line? How?


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MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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