Post a response - sampling vs. reliability

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131760176


"The larger the sample, the more reliable the results." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.

Post a response to the question

Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner

Discussion B (SEEING THROUGH THE CLAIM) An auto manufacturer advertises that "99% of the cars we've ever made are still on the road." Assuming this is literally true, how can it be explained? What facts / statistics would you need to know to expose this misleading claim?

Post a complete response to the question

Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner

Verified Expert

The assignment is based on discussion about two individual topics which requires proper evidence to justify to the decision made as reviewer with regard to the statement.

Reference no: EM131760176

Questions Cloud

Difference between the hr department and hr management : Define the difference between the HR Department and HR Management.
Explain how manager would apply soft skills to solve : Give an example, and explain how a manager would apply soft skills to solve the following problems.
Discuss potential elements of distinction : Identify and discuss potential elements of distinction.
What are stability strategies in business : Conduct research on corporate strategies and the affect they have on the decision process.
Post a response - sampling vs. reliability : The larger the sample, the more reliable the results." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain - What facts / statistics would you need to know
Create a trend line that depicts the price movement : Create a trend line that depicts the price movement for the investment against the market index movement using elements of Microsoft Office, such as Excel.
Determine whether to build in-house or acquire from outside : Establish the need for a system. Determine whether to build in-house or acquire from outside, and support your decision with reasoning.
Compute the equivalent units of production for materials : Compute the equivalent units of production for (a) materials and (b) conversion costs for the month of November
Habit of cornering you one-on-one and sharing latest joke : A coworker whose desk is next to yours makes a habit of cornering you one-on-one and sharing his latest joke.



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12/11/2017 4:46:16 AM

• Post a complete response to the question by Thursday, 11:59pm CST. • Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to at least one of your classmates by Sunday, II:59pm CST at the end of the week.

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Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating

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