Possible effect that multithreading could have

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13804118

Discussion 1: "Multithreading" Please respond to the following:

1) Describe at least one (1) possible effect that multithreading could have on event-driven programming when you are either developing or using a computer program. Support your response with at least (1) example of the effect of multithreading.

2) Imagine you are a graphic artist working on an animation for a movie. Describe at least one (1) possible effect that multithreading could have on your work process. Support your response with at least (1) example of the effect of multithreading.

Discussion 2: "GUI and Multithreading" Please respond to the following:

1) Describe one (1) way in which a GUI can take advantage of multiple threads. Provide one (1) example of such advantages to support your response.

2) Imagine that you are tasked with creating software for a banker, who needs to access information for multiple accounts at the same time.

Describe one (1) way in which you could combine the paradigms of object-oriented programming and multithreading in order to implement a solution. Support your response with such a combination in action.

Reference no: EM13804118

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