Positions in criminal justice profession

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Reference no: EM133414568

A population can be described as being a sub-group of people in society who have one or more common traits or characteristics. One of the easiest ways to explain this would be the juvenile population. Generally, the juvenile population is comprised of individuals who are under eighteen years of age. If you are under 18 years of age, you are part of the juvenile population. If you are eighteen years of age or older, you would not be part of the juvenile population

Identify and describe three positions in the criminal justice profession.

For each position you identified:

Identify the population it serves. Be specific.

Identify any multicultural or diversity issues which could impact the population that the position serves. Also recommend solutions to the issues. If there are no multicultural or diversity issues which could impact the population that position serves. state so and explain why not.

Reference no: EM133414568

Questions Cloud

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Implementation of criminal justice compensation programs : Describe the three political rationales used to justify the implementation of criminal justice compensation programs.


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