Portfolio assignment

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13323830 , Length: 6 page

Portfolio Assignment 

( Marketing or technology company )

Complete your Portfolio Project assignment, focusing on making sure that you have all of the necessary components as set forth in the rubric. Spend time making sure that the formatting meets APA standards, and thoroughly proofread and grammar-check your final product. When you have completed the portfolio, submit it to your instructor through this Assignment Drop Box.

This Portfolio Project is 5-6 page paper with exhibits of organization financial data, or a PowerPoint presentation with recorded narration or completed Notes section and exhibits of organization financial data. Your Project should identify a publicly-held corporation and conduct a strategic assessment that includes organizational analysis of: 

(a) financial condition, 

(b) industry and competitors, and 

(c) organization situation. From the assessment, 

(d) formulate appropriate recommendations or strategy for organizational development from a management perspective.

Reference no: EM13323830

Questions Cloud

Calculate the total number of copies : Calculate the total number of copies that the publisher expects to sell in year 3 and Number of copies sold after 3 years.
The budget deficit projections in this chapter include net : The budget deficit projections in this chapter include net interest on the debt, which depends on interest rates. Use the loanable funds model to explain what is likely to happen to interest rates and interest payments if the size of the deficit cont..
How to compute the ph at the points in the titration nh3 : Calculate the pH at the points in the titration of 40.00 mL of 0.425 M NH3 for the reaction below. NH3(aq) + HNO3 ? NH4+(aq) + NO3?(aq) For NH3, Kb = 1.8x10-5. Enter your answer with 2 decimal places
How might consumption be affected by rising interest rates : Studies have shown a link between rising debt-to- GDP ratios and real interest rates. Investment is not the only category of spending that might be sensitive to interest rates.
Portfolio assignment : Portfolio Assignment
Explain what is the persent yield of diethyle ether : What is the persent yield of diethyle ether. b, During the proecess 45% of ethanol that did not produce diethyl ether react by the side reaction. What mass of ethylene is produced
How might budget deficits affect long-term economic growth : How might budget deficits affect long-term economic growth?
Explain how some mortgage operations by some commercial bank : Explain how some mortgage operations by some commercial banks (along with other financial institutions) played a major role in instigating the credit crisis
Gdp would be required to make fiscal policy sustainable : Suppose that a country has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 64%. The growth rate of real GDP is 3%. Assume that seignior age is zero and the real interest rate is 2%.What primary deficit as a percentage of GDP would be required to make fiscal policy sustainabl..


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