Population health management program

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Reference no: EM133088898

The key to an effective and sustainable population health management program is to understand your chronic disease patients and coach them towards a healthy lifestyle. The success of population health and chronic disease management efforts hinges on a few key elements:

Identifying those at risk and the health disparities that may exist within the population

Accessing the right data about patients

Creating actionable insights about patients

Coaching patients daily toward healthier choices

As your health system is drafting a strategic framework for the PHM program, you are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes in each content discussion slide. Explain the relationship between disease management and population health needed in the following areas:

Describe the prevalent chronic diseases for the population your health system is serving.

Describe the risks associated with the proliferation of these chronic diseases.

Assess how the population will access information and resources to prevent and manage chronic diseases.

Construct a chronic disease communication plan that helps patients with chronic diseases to pursue healthier choices and to use population health resources.

Within the plan, share how you will ensure that all communication incorporates intercultural empathy, community engagement, and understanding of the population.

Reference no: EM133088898

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