Popular cloud platforms-amazon web services

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133314058


Research the three most popular cloud platforms: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure.

Look for the IoT services available in the three platforms and choose one of the IoT service available in all three platforms. Compare the service in all three platforms.

Reference no: EM133314058

Questions Cloud

Problems affecting data communications are attenuateon : Three of the problems affecting data communications are attenuateon, noise and synchronisation.
Determine the preparer of the budget : Share 2-3 examples of budgets from state or local criminal justice entities and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each budget.
Describe how OWL-RDF and RDFS can be effectively : Describe how OWL, RDF, and RDFS can be effectively used to develop the EHR with examples for each of them.
Explain factors outside of the juvenile justice system : Identify and thoroughly explain two (2) factors outside of the juvenile justice system, such as education, poverty, illiteracy, poor nutrition.
Popular cloud platforms-amazon web services : Research the three most popular cloud platforms: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure.
Discuss social theories and social process theories : Discuss Social theories and Social Process Theories, research their origin and how they explain criminal behavior.
Defined database role named orderentry : Write a script that creates a user-defined database role named OrderEntry in the MyGuitarShop database.
Discuss the rationale for punishment : Discuss the rationale for punishment. Relate the rationale for punishment back to ethical decision-making and discuss if you believe it is based on retribution.
Explain the diffie-hellman key exchange : Explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange? Explain what a stream cipher is and what block encryption is.


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