Polygenic characteristics like aggressiveness in mice

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Reference no: EM133470673


1. Polygenic characteristics like aggressiveness in mice and conscientiousness in people typically approximate a normal distribution, meaning that:

A) the frequency of occurrence for such a characteristic is low, with most individuals never developing the characteristic.

B) the frequency of occurrence for such a characteristic is high, with only a small proportion of individuals who do not develop the characteristic.

C) most individuals fall near the middle of the range of scores for these characteristics and the frequency tapers off toward the two extremes.

D) roughly equal numbers of individuals have low, middle and high scores on such a characteristic.

2. What was Darwin's original insight that led to his theory of evolution?

A) Plants and animals can be modified by human-controlled selective breeding.

B) Genes, which are passed along through eggs and sperm, can only provide some of the hereditary foundation for evolution.

C) Breeding in nature is selective and can produce changes in living things over generations.

D) Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation.

Reference no: EM133470673

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