Political ideology that generally accompanies capitalism

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133206383

1. Which of the following was a direct consequence of the breakup of the Soviet Union?

a. It left the United States as the world champion of capitalism and only superpower in the world of a new line of thought.

b. Russia became the world champion of communism.

c. It promoted socialism in Latin America.

d. It created a rebellion against the Russian Royalty.

2. Which is the political ideology that generally accompanies capitalism?

a. neoliberalism

b. communism

c. liberalism

d. socialism

3. Why was the new generation of liberals of the 1980s known as "neoliberals"?

a. They maintained the ideals of liberalism, but belonged to a new generation.

b. They proposed a new ideology.

c. They radicalized liberalism.

d. They were antiliberals.

4. Which of the following statements best describes Fernando Henrique Cardoso?

a. a Marxist sociology professor who ruled Brazil with an iron fist

b. a Marxist sociology professor who inspired a generation of social scientists

c. a Brazilian dictator

d. president of Brazil; governed as a radical Marxist

5. In terms of economic policies, what did the neoliberals believe in?

a. in the social welfare system

b. in the expropriation of foreign-owned corporations

c. in the free market

d. in imposing high tariffs

6. What was a negative feature of neoliberalism?

a. undemocratic governments

b. unequal economic growth

c. equality

d. socialism

7. By the 1980s, most Latin American countries found themselves in the middle of a debt crisis. Who owned most of their debts?

a. the landowners

b. foreign banks

c. the National State

d. the United States

8. What does IMF stand for?

a. International Monetary Fund

b. Internal Monetary Fund

c. International Mothers Foundation

d. Integrated Monetary Fund

9. Which statement best describes a "maquiladora"?

a. a machine used in the rural areas

b. a women using a sewing machine

c. a group of animals

d. an assembly plant

10. According to Chasteen, which country was considered the "neoliberal poster child"?

a. Argentina

b. Chile

c. Brazil

d. Colombia

11. Which statement best describes the situation in Chile during the 1990s?

a. Chile enjoyed low inflation, good credit, steady growth, and diversified exports.

b. Chile defaulted in its foreign debt.

c. Chile had never had a dictator in power.

d. Chile suffered from high inflation and bad credit.

12. What was the Chilean economic situation in terms of wealth distribution in the 1990s?

a. The national government kept all wealth to itself.

b. unsteady

c. steady

d. unequal

13. Which class benefited the most from the neoliberal economic policies?

a. lower class

b. middle class

c. landowners

d. All social classes benefited in equal terms.

14. Which of the following was a direct consequence of neoliberalism?

a. low unemployment rates

b. high unemployment rates

c. dictatorships

d. high tariffs

15. Which of the following concepts did the "new left" reject?

a. the free market

b. social distribution

c. equality

d. democracy

16. What did the leaders of the "new left" commit themselves to do?

a. spread socialism

b. place the well-being of the lower class above the logic of capitalism

c. give money to the poor

d. pass inclusive policies

17. Which country voted Evo Morales as president in 2006?

a. Guatemala

b. Chile

c. Bolivia

d. Paraguay

18. What happened to Michelle Bachelet and her family during Pinochet's government?

a. They were detained and tortured repeatedly.

b. Nothing in particular happened to them.

c. They were exiled to Argentina.

d. They decided to become politicians.

19. How did leaders of the "new left" react toward capitalism?

a. They rejected it.

b. They embraced it with open arms.

c. They understood it was unavoidable.

d. They were indifferent to it.

20. What are the names of the two largest Marxist guerrilla armies in Colombia?

a. FARC and NARC

b. There are no Marxist guerrillas in Colombia.

c. NARC and ELN

d. ELN and FARC

21. Which of the following features do all Zapatistas share?

a. They all have some kind of indigenous descent.

b. They are wealthy.

c. They want to be powerful.

d. They promote land redistribution.

22. Did the Zapatistas support neoliberalism?

a. No, they did not.

b. Yes, the Zapatistas and the neoliberals were allies.

c. The Zapatistas did not care about neoliberalism.

d. The Zapatistas only agreed with some aspects of neoliberalism.

23. Did Latin American nations manage to transcend racism at the turn of the twentieth century?

a. No, they did not.

b. Yes, they absolutely did.

c. Only some countries did.

d. They only diminished it.

24. What does "mestizaje" mean in Latin America?

a. Mestizaje means that everyone is part of the racial mix that characterizes the region.

b. Mestizaje means that only people with indigenous descent are true Latin Americans.

c. Mestizaje means that people of indigenous descent should accept their place in the new nations.

d. Mestizaje means that not everyone is part of the racial mix that characterizes the region.

25. By the end of the twentieth century, in which of the following countries did Protestantism grow the most?

a. Argentina

b. Mexico

c. Paraguay

d. Brazil

26. What are the gamonales?

a. these are the indigenous villages that were descended from the Inca communities.

b. these were the soldiers who fought for Peru during the War of the Pacific

c. these are the powerful landowners who essentially created a feudal system in Peru

d. these were the armed strikers who revolted against the regime of Manuel Piérola

27. Who wrote the Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality in 1928?

a. Luis Valcarel

b. Manuel González Prada

c. María Jesús Alvarado Rivera

d. José Carlos Mariátegui

28. Victor Raul Haya de la Torre is associated with with Peruvian political group or institution?

a. the armed forces

b. the Communist Party

c. The Alianza Popular Revolucionario Americana (APRA)

d. Christian Democrats

29.What is the Spanish term for "squatter communities?"

a. pueblos jóvenes

b. criollos

c. apristas

d. montoneros

30. The "Pact of Talara" was a controversial business decision that involved which multi-national corporation?

a. Union Carbide

b. International Business Machines (IBM)

c. International Petroleum Company

d. American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T)

31. What happened to the Peruvian military government in 1975?

a. President Juan Velasco Alvarado died in office, and new elections were called.

b. A more conservative faction of the armed forces took power, replacing Velasco Alvarado with Francisco Morales Bermúdez

c. There was an attempted coup against Velasco Alvarado, instigated by radical leftist officers, but the coup was put down and the organizers were arrested.

d. The government called for a plebiscite, meaning a special election asking the population if they would support military rule for ten more years, with the results 60% yes, and 40% no, thus the military stayed in power through 1985.

32. Which of the following was not an element of chicha music?

a. Colombian cumbia rhythms

b. folk melodies indigenous to the Andean highlands

c. electric instruments commonly associated with US and British rock and roll

d. traditional Asian string instruments, such as the Chinese guzheng and the Japanese koto.

33. Professor Maxwell Cameron teaches political science at which university?

a. University of Michigan

b. University of British Columbia

c. California State University Northridge

d. Tulane University

34. In which Peruvian province did the Shining Path guerrilla insurgency begin?

a. Apurimac

b. Andahuaylas

c. Amazonas

d. Ayacucho

35. According to Professor Cameron, what is the biggest fear of Peruvians today, in the years following both Shining Path and the Alberto Fujimori regime?

a. The fear of invasion by US armed forces to fight narco-traffickers.

b. The fear of a strong effort at social mobilization, in that it would de-stabilize the

c. The fear of the military returning to power.

d. The fear that Shining Path will unite with other guerrilla units, particularly from Colombia, and restart its "People's War."

36. In which year did Sendero Luminoso launch its "People's War?"

a. 1968

b. 1975

c. 1980

d. 1992

37. Which of the following statements does not apply to Sendero's urban strategy during its "People's War?"

a. It convinced villagers that government forces worked closely with "pishtacos"

b. It became a source of stability in Lima's poorest

c. It unfolded during 1988-90.

d. It used a policy of "selective annihilation" liquidate its opponents.

38. Which of the following statements is not true about Alberto Fujimori?

a. He defeated novelist Mario Vargas Llosa in the 1990 presidential election.

b. His announcement of the autogolpe in 1992 provided him with more presidential powers to fight the Sendero insurgency.

c. He unsuccessfully tried to seek a third term as president in 2000.

d. He made an amazing political comeback after his exile in Japan and returned to the presidency in 2006.

39. Sendero Luminoso drew much of its ideology from:

a. Victor Haya de la Torre.

b. Karl Marx and Frederich Engels.

c. Mao Tse-tung.

d. the theology of liberation.

Reference no: EM133206383

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