Policy analysis is process

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Reference no: EM132834674

1. Policy analysis is the "study of whatever the governments choose to do or not to do" (Hagan, 2010). The process of policy analysis are generally identifying the problem, formulating proposals to the policy, legitimating the policy, implementing the policy, and then evaluating the policy. These steps are important because while you can identify a problem and seek out change, it is important that a call to an issue creates funding and government support. In addition, it is very important for a policy to later be evaluated, because if it does not result positively as expected, it may require further change, or the abolition of the policy in general. This is why I believe the most important step is evaluating the policy, as it is a key factor in determining the usefulness and outcome of a policy as a whole. Especially if detrimental, this is where we can decide whether the policy does more harm than good over a period of time (Hagan, 2010) .

2. Policy analysis studies government behaviors and the consequences of those choices. It involves identifying, formulating, legalizing or making it law, implementing and evaluation. The process first recognizes problems that require action, as it identifies that there are issues to be fixed. The next step formulates proposals that deal with finding solutions and sets an agenda and makes proposals for resolution. Next, policy analysis goes through selecting proposals, getting support from law makers and then going through the channels to make policies law. In implementation, these policies are executed, and necessary services are provided, with tax3es being imposed to cover costs. Finally, the program is evaluated to see if it worked and produced the result expected and suggest any changes that need to be made while considering cost. All the steps are necessary, but as you cannot fix what you do not see as an issue, I believe identifying would be most important. The steps that follow puts the plan into action making them all important but in my opinion it is critical that the issues are first identified as without this step none of the others can be enacted.

3. Policy analysis is the process in which potential policy options is identified to address the problem and compare the options. This is done to make a decision based on the most effective. The steps of policy analysis is identifying the problem, formulating policy proposals, legitimating policies, implementing policies, and lastly evaluating policies. These steps are important because it leads to an effective result. I believe that identifying the problem is the most important because that is basically the foundation to everything else. Without knowing what really is the problem, then there couldn't be any outcomes or results.

4. Policy analysis is a process of identifying potential policy options that could address your problem and then comparing those options to choose the most effective, efficient, and feasible one. The steps in the policy analysis process are as followed: Verify, define and detail the problem, Establish evaluation criteria, identify alternative policies, assess alternative policies, display and distinguish among alternatives, and implement, monitor, and evaluate the policy. These steps are so important because conducting a policy analysis ensures that you have gone through a systematic process to choose the policy option that may fit best for your situation. In my opinion the most important step in the process is the implementation part. The implementation or carrying out the policy is most often accomplished by institutions other than those that are formulated or adopted.

5. Policy analysis is the the behaviors, consequences of the government choices. It is how they interpret it how to solve an issue and it could be address and then later on comparing it to see which one is more efficient and effective. Basically, this more about problems where we look for solutions that can be fixed. As we read in the book the ways of solving this problems it goes by steps which are identifying, formulation, legalizing and making it law. But the first one I believe it is important because by identifying the problem you are able to understand what type of solutions you have and also you can maybe identify more yourself with it so it would suit you better. Not all policy are able to be solve by all people everyone is different but always we look forward to solving the issues.

Reference no: EM132834674

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