Policies need to be for: sexual harassment prevention

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM1337135

As one of four HR managers for the Home Company, you have been asked to prepare a policy and communication and education process for several areas needing attention. Assume that all of these policies will address subjects that have until now been handled informally and inconsistently throughout the company. Policies need to be developed for: sexual harassment prevention, abuse of Internet use, attendance policy and performance management/ people development process.

Divide these 4 policies among the members of your HR team (small group). Each member should select one of these policies, research it using the course materials, the Library, and the Internet. Prepare a 2-3 page paper documenting the policy. This should include appropriate disciplinary procedure for offenses. Next, each individual group member must prepare a training or orientation piece on their policy via PowerPoint presentation.

What method of communication will you use? Will it be different for managers and employees? What differences in communication do you suggest for the new policies for the manager and employee audiences? What questions do you anticipate from each audience and how would you answer them? What do you think will be the most negative reaction to these 4 policies being introduced? How will you address this reaction?

Reference no: EM1337135

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