Policies and procedures implementation

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Reference no: EM132106853


This written task requires you to consider the role of a Practice Manager and the implications of making decisions and formulating policies and procedure for staff to follow. You will be asked to reflect on how you would manage areas such as ethical dilemmas, making difficult decisions in handling client complaints and behaviours of concern. As you are entering the field of Natural Medicine and are practicing your own clinic demeanour you are asked to make an appointment with a current Practitioner of your choice and then critique the service provided to you based on the knowledge you have gained from this unit of study.


Please correctly complete the following questions in regard to the types of knowledge and skills you will require to effectively manage a natural therapy business either as a Practice manager, or sole practitioner or even in a shared role with others. Ensure your submission follows these guidelines


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Task 1 Written policies and procedures - Ethical practice

Word count: 150-300 words (per policy and procedure/750-1500 words total)

Imagine you have just been appointed the Practice Manager of a busy natural therapies clinic. You have been tasked with the role of preparing a Policies and Procedures (P&P) document, to promote consistent behaviour and decision making within the clinic. Based on some disturbing behaviour you have observed during your brief time at this clinic, you decide to start with Policies and Procedures addressing the following five (5) issues.

Task: Prepare Policy and Procedure Documents for the following;

1.1 Maintaining privacy and confidentiality in relation to client information. This should include direction for staff in maintaining client records, in line with the Privacy Principles.

1.2 Ensuring informed consent before treatment commences

1.3 Identifying and managing any conflict of interest which may arise between the practitioner and client

1.4 The Clinic's commitment to environmentally sustainable practice

1.5 The Clinic's support and respect for cultural difference.

Task 2: Policies & Procedures Implementation

Word count: 200-300 words.

2.1 As the Practice Manager, what processes and strategies will you put in place to ensure your policies and procedures are understood and implemented by all staff? Include three (3) ideas in your response.

2.2 It is vital for organisations to observe and uphold their ethical and legal obligations. Please include three (3) practical ideas for monitoring staff performance, including their adherence to policies and procedures.

2.3 Locate and carefully review a sample complaint handling policy and procedure of your choice. This can be sourced from any organisation, as well as the internet or your current employer. Attach a copy of this document and briefly comment on its strengths and weaknesses. You may wish to consider elements such as the readability of the document, its commitment to customer service, the level of detail provided and to what degree it supports the employee.

Task 3: Managing difficult situations

Word count: 150-250 words

One of your practitioners has received a referral for a therapeutic treatment, which they have not been trained for. The client insists on receiving treatment, however there is not an appropriate staff member available.

Prepare a hypothetical dialogue between you and the client, where you explain the clinic's commitment to ethical practice, where practitioners are required to operate within their scope of practice. This dialogue should demonstrate how you would manage this potentially difficult situation, in line with the clinic's policy and procedure, to fulfil the duty of care to the client.

Task 4: Healthcare Visit Critique

Word count: 700-1000 words

You are required to make an appointment and attend for a healthcare consultation and treatment of your choice. You may choose to attend a student clinic if this is available in your area. The task is to reflect on your complete experience and critically assess the following:

4.1 How effectively did the reception team manage your appointment booking? Please comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the staff in this regard.

4.2 How warmly were you greeted at the clinic and how well did your practitioner manage the introduction?

4.3 Did the practitioner ensure your consent was informed? How was this process managed?

4.4 Briefly describe the communication skills of the practitioner - what were their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their communication style?

4.5 Were you encouraged to ask questions and given opportunities to clarify explanations throughout the course of the treatment? i.e. Did you practitioner encourage your autonomy?

4.6 In observing the physical layout of the clinic, identify two potential hazards and describe the associated risk.

4.7 What control measures would you have implemented in your clinic to manage these hazards.

4.8 How could your experience at this clinic have been improved?

Task 5: Short Answer Questions

5.1What are two (2) functions of the professional association in the Australian natural therapies industry?

5.2 Briefly discuss how you could maintain your knowledge of current issues influencing the health care system and keep your skills up to date.

5.3 Briefly discuss two (2) health issues of particular concern to IndigenousAustralians

5.4 Natural therapy businesses are self-funded, so financial success relies on a strong and happy clientele base. As the manager, what are two (2) strategies you would implement to ensure high levels of customer service and satisfaction?

5.5 What is the benefit of "reflective practice"?

5.6 Explain how poor hygiene increases health risk with respect to indirect mode of transmission and portals of entry.

5.7 List three (3) practical steps you will take to ensure effective hygiene practices in your clinic

5.8 Explain your understanding of the term "mandatory reporting" in reference to the obligations of a Natural therapist to remain compliant within their association and government regulations and maintaining duty of care?

Attachment:- Practice Administration.rar

Reference no: EM132106853

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