Point totals by race level listing

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13725969

These are my tables. I just need a couple questions finished.

Teams (TeamID, TeamName) Agents (AgentID, FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone) Bikes (BikeID, BikeName, Description) Sponsors (SponsorID, SponsorName, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone) Riders (RiderID, FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone, DateJoined, AgentID, TeamID) Events (EventID, EventName, Description, Location, Street, City, State, Zip, StartDate, EndDate, SponsorID) Races (RaceID, RaceName, Description, RaceLevel, Location, RaceDate, StartTime, EndTime, EventID) Participation (PID, RiderID, RaceID, BikeID, Placement) Rider_Sponsorship (RSID, RiderID, SponsorID)


1. List the Rider's Name, RaceLevel as Race_Level and the total number of all points based on their placement. Make sure that you don't list any riders who have not raced in any races yet (not placed yet). Sort the data from highest to lowest total points. I need a listing for the easy races, one for the intermediate races and one for the advanced races. -

2. SEARCHING FOR A RUN List the EventName and the RaceName of any records that have the word "Run" in the Race Name.

3. RIDER - TEAM - AGENT BY RACE DATE LISTING List the Rider's Full Name AS "Rider_Name", The Rider's Team Name and their Agent's Full Name listed AS "Agent_Name" .Of those riders only list those who have or are schedule to participate in any races during April 2008 and, make sure that the riders information is only listed once. -

4. SUBQUERY List the Sponsor Name of any sponsors who sponsored both Riders and Events

Reference no: EM13725969

Questions Cloud

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Point totals by race level listing : List the Rider's Name, RaceLevel as Race_Level and the total number of all points based on their placement. Make sure that you don't list any riders who have not raced in any races yet (not placed yet).
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