Plot the lines using the inputted vector of x values and x

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM135359

You are expected to submit properly commented script and/or function files that solve the problem stated.  Your script and/or function files should automatically generate any figures required.

For each of the problems below, I want you to document the following:

1. Identify the problem statement
2. Define the inputs and outputs to each problem
3. Show a pseudo code design of the solution
4. Show that you have tested your MATLAB code appropriately

Problem: Write a function named solveSystem that has three inputs: two vectors consisting of coefficients [a b c] of two line equations of the form ax + by = c and a vector of x values.

a. The function should output a vector giving the x and y values of the point of intersection between the two lines. If the lines are parallel, return the empty vector.

b. Your function should also plot the two lines using the inputted vector of x values and x.

In addition, on the same graph, plot the intersection point of the two lines. Choose proper colors, line styles, and point markers to make the plot clear to the reader. Include a legend and label your plot properly.

Reference no: EM135359

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