Plot root-locus corresponding to the characteristic equation

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132112573

MATLAB Project


Write a script to plot Root-Locus corresponding to the characteristic equation of a given transfer function.

Programming Steps:

1. Write down your name, date, course name, and project number at the beginning of your script as comments.

2. Explain the objective of your program as comments.

3. From the characteristic equation q(s) = 1 + K*J(s), ask user to enter the coefficients of the numerator and denominator of J(s) as vectors.

4. In your script, change the value of the control gain K from zero to a large number.

5. Evaluate roots of the characteristic equation q(s) = 0

⇒ 1+ K.(mΠi=1 (s + zi))/(nΠj=1 (s + pj)) = 0 ⇒ (nΠj=1 (s + pj)) + K(mΠi=1 (s + zi)) = 0 each time you change the value of the control gain [you can use MATLAB roots function].

6. Plot the roots of each characteristic equation (with different value of K) on the same graph. Make sure to use some style instead of using simple line plot else your plot will be incorrect.

Note: Do not use any built-in root-locus function.


Verified Expert

In this assignment, Digital processing lab was analyzed and studied using MATLAB software. MATLAB is a simulation tool by MathWorks company which is used for simulating engineering and mathematical problems and see the result. We analyzed different signals and filters and checked the result if it is as per requirement or not. All the results we got is as per the requirement of the LAB manual.

Reference no: EM132112573

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11/1/2018 2:47:49 AM

include all 6 experiments in the folder Just need the DSP labs manual experiments to be done Class : Digital Signal Processing Semester : Fall In assignment for labs can you do all assignments in matlab attachment below in 30159668_13 F35DCDC-89 E4-4F09-8EC8- 7BACCA0 6125E. jpeg the same assignment tell expert has you can see in the DSP lab manual , the first matlab assignment output sample had to be as show can see every matlab program has a sample output the solution for the first lab program the other labs make sure all of then are good same as the sample output this is much best and correct all of the matlab projects in this assignment the sample output of all the projects are correct thank you , really appreciate it.. Thanks experts mind for providing me the accurate solution along with codes and I got grade A for the same. Really appreciate for the work you done for me !!!!


9/14/2018 2:25:12 AM

your MATLAB file and paper . For your paper, make sure to explain the analog-to-digital conversion process, not just the steps of your program Do not use any built-in root-locus function.

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