Reference no: EM13905982
1.Please low is StudentGrade class problem, please modify it so that all methods are marked const that can be. Make sure you have a constructor that accepts all data values. Create a simple main function that declares a constStudentGrade object and demonstrates that the values have been successfully stored inside.
(Create aStudentGrade class that includes two data members: a student ID number and the student's score on a test. Both of these are integers. Include "get" and "set" member functions for each of the data members, plus a displayRecord method which outputs the values in this form:
Student 12345 has a score of 95.
For this program you do not have to do any data validation in the "set" methods. In addition to the class, write a short main function like those in chapter 3 that tests your class. Place your program into three files: main.cpp, StudentGrade.cpp, and StudentGrade.h.)
2. Working from the last problem, create a StudentMajor class with "get" and "set" methods (the major itself is a string). Add a StudentMajor data member to your StudentGrade class, and add methods to StudentGrade to get and set this member.
3. a. Using your previous BaseballBatter class (below), create a subclass called BaseballPlayer that adds methods to store and retrieve the number of fielding errors.
(Create a BaseballBatter class that records the batting statistics for an individual player. It should have "get" and "set" methods for the following values: at-bats, singles, doubles, triples, and home runs. The "set" methods should check that only non-negative values are set. )